ios - Sqlite File Location Core Data -

typically, sqlite store file core data apps located in

library>application support>iphone simulator>7.1(or whichever version using)>applications>(whichever folder contains app)>documents

folder, can't find in ios 8. assume add 8.0 folder inside iphone simulator folder, it's not there. has been able locate it?

i managed locate sqlite file, , in path now:

library/developer/coresimulator/devices/(numbers , letters)/data/containers/data/application/(numbers , letters)/documents/

(numbers , letters) stands folder unique app/computer, this: 779ae2245-f8w2-57a9-8c6d-98643b1cf01a

i able find going appdelegate.m, scrolling down

- (nsurl *)applicationdocumentsdirectory  

method, , nslogging return path, this:

// returns url application's documents directory. - (nsurl *)applicationdocumentsdirectory {     nslog(@"%@",[[[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] urlsfordirectory:nsdocumentdirectory  indomains:nsuserdomainmask] lastobject]);      return [[[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] urlsfordirectory:nsdocumentdirectory indomains:nsuserdomainmask] lastobject];  } 

this give unique path, making easier you, because tricky locating 2 unnamed folders/strings of letters , numbers.


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