
Showing posts from January, 2015

Making Long variables work in 64 bit AND 32 bit Excel VBA -

i have quite complex excel vba project runs on 32-bit systems, trying make work 64-bit systems too. have resolved function declarations, still issues long data type. doing research, come (from msdn pages): the actual data type longptr resolves depends on version of office running in: longptr resolves long in 32-bit versions of office, , longptr resolves longlong in 64-bit versions of office. but mean can change dim statements from dim x long to dim x longptr should everywhere? or have got wrong end of stick? there circumstances won't work or change should avoided? try longlong. spec, looks longlong replacement 32 type long.

ios - Pinching/Panning a CCNode in Cocos2d 3.0 -

i want zoom in out ccnode pinching , panning screen. node has background large portionof shown on screen. node contains other sprites. what have done first register uipinchgesturerecognizer uipinchgesturerecognizer * pinchrecognizer = [[uipinchgesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self action:@selector(handlepinchfrom:)]; [[[ccdirector shareddirector] view] addgesturerecognizer: pinchrecognizer]; -(void)handlepinchfrom:(uipinchgesturerecognizer *) pinch { if(pinch.state == uigesturerecognizerstateended) { prevscale = 1; } else { cgfloat dscale = [self scale] - prevscale + pinch.scale; if(dscale > 0) { deltascale = dscale; } cgaffinetransform transform = cgaffinetransformscale(pinch.view.transform, deltascale, deltascale); [pinch.view settransform: transform]; // [_contentnode setscale:deltascale]; prevscale = pinch.scale; } } the problem scalw whole uiview not ccnode. h

responsive design - How to pin an image onto another image css -

i have code: <body style="margin:0; padding:0;"> <div style="position: relative; left:0; top:0;"> <img src="images/fullscreen.png" style="max-width: 100%; width: 100%; height:auto; position: relative; top:0; left:0;"/> <img src="images/smaller_animated.gif" style="position:absolute; top:140px; left:458px;"/> </div> </body> fullscreen.png large full screen image. made kind of responsive, if make browser width less doesn't scroll , instead resizes. now have animated gif want place within area of fullscreen image. there large rectangle grey background within fullscreen image , want pin animated gif centre of space. works fine except when resize window, gif doesnt move/resize fullscreen image , moves outside rectangle background. ive played around making absolute , relative dont seem getting close, ideas? you can this: html: <div id="

rsa - Time to verify a signature on a long message -

i'm studying speed (time verify) signed message rsa or dsa on different processors in link, there benchmarks the time verify signature on short message (59 bytes) but i need times verify signature on long message (1500) byte , there relation between time verify signature on message , message length ? there 2 parts verification: hashing message, , performing public key operation , comparison on supplied signature , hash 1) takes longer longer messages, whereas 2) depend on size of public key. also, 2) dominate 1) except long messages. when benchmarking verification times interested in #2, might use short message benchmark cited does. can benchmark hashing times separately if you're interested in that.

ios - Swift: method called more than once after restarting game -

i'm making little game user has tap on circle 10 times. each time label shows how many times tap left. after every tap number in label decreases one. after finishing brought new view can tap "play again" button. the problem when playing second time number decreases 2 on every tap , when playing third time 3 , on. here's code: import uikit var circletaptrue = uibutton() var circletapfalse1 = uibutton() var circletapfalse2 = uibutton() var circletapfalse3 = uibutton() var circletapfalse4 = uibutton() var lbltappingspeed = uilabel() var tappingspeed = 0.00 var lblmovesleft = uilabel() var movesleft = int() var imgcirclewidthheight = float() var imgcirclexpos = float() var imgcircleypos = float() class viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller { var timercountdown = nstimer() override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() // additional setup after loading view, typically nib. movecircles() movesleft = 10 lblmovesleft.text

Javascript:void(0) meaning -

this question has answer here: what “javascript:void(0)” mean? 12 answers i curious 1 thing happen : when hover link in bottom of page there appears javascript:void(0); mean ? thank ! the void operator evaluates given expression , returns undefined. usually, when want add link has "onclick" function(and no href) this: <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='dosomething()'>click me</a> clicking on return undefined href , no navigate, onclick function happen. read this: void operator .

javascript - Incrementing undefined object properties without performance penalty -

is there way increment both defined , undefined properties of plain js object without performance "penalty"? var foo = { counter: 0 }; (var i=10000; >= 0; i--) { foo['counter']++; foo['anyothercounter']++; // should work 'counter' without errors } using conditionals (if statement or ternary operator) check if property defined recognized performance penalty. bleeding edge es features welcome. you don't around conditional (of kind) in loop if don't setup property before. i've set testcase @ , it's not of penalty if don't coerce undefined number. bleeding edge es features welcome i don't think so, they're rather not as optimized. proxies yield 0 instead of undefined non-existing properties might idea, though.

javascript - Image slider wont center -

i can't seem center image slider, seems easy fix can't center dead in middle of page (centered left & right, centered top , bottom) suggestions? image slider #logo-and-slider in css heres jsfiddle: (thanks @maggiqall) and here live link it: i don't understand. is desired result? <div><img src="" alt="1"/></div> <div><img src="" alt="1"/></div> <div><img src="" alt="1"/></div> i closed img-tags. />

html - spacing issue on css drop down menu, cannot center text and cannot get rid of excess left side space -

okay, created drop down menu. before added ul , li tags, centered fine. won't center. tried adding left/right auto, text-align center , going div tag , putting align center, nothing works. added space of menu items, overall nothing looks spaced. my second issue on drop downs, there appears left side spacing , cannot figure out why there or how rid of it. appreciated. thank you! here html: <div id="menu" align="center"> <ul> <!-- main ul tag --> <li><a href="#">home</a> </li> <!-- close home li tag --> <li class="aboute"><a href="#">about ebenezer</a> <ul> <!-- ebenezer menu --> <li class="aboute"><a href="#">our history</a> </li> <li class="aboute"><a hre

delphi - Change color of ListBox Item when Clicked on this Item -

so have listbox on form, consists of different links, of them blue , underlined (like html links, know). when user clicks 1 of items(links), opens in default browser, want particular link change color purple. here's have in onclick procedure now: procedure tform1.listbox1click(sender: tobject); begin shellexecute(handle, 'open', pansichar(listbox1.items[listbox1.itemindex]), nil, nil, sw_shownormal); end; your problem boils down how draw list different fonts settings each item. need following: set style property of list box lbownerdrawfixed . handle ondrawitem event of list box draw each item. your ondrawitem event draw item in font indicate whether or not item has been clicked already. can manage logic presume. show simple example draws items differently depending on index of item. procedure tform1.listbox1drawitem(control: twincontrol; index: integer; rect: trect; state: townerdrawstate); var listbox: tlistbox; canvas: tcanvas; begin l

bluetooth - Android BLE Blood Pressure Monitor app -

i new android bluetooth low energy (ble) applications. have blood pressure (and heart rate) monitor issc chip design bt5050 hw/sw version. downloaded android bluetoothlegatt sample program, , can see implemented services, including device information service, , others. have below questions , appreciate if can provide answers: which gatt profile/service use connect bpm server , can send commands, such start, stop. i know services below uuid refer to: 49535343-fe7d-4ae5-8fa9-9fafd205e455. (service) 0001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (service) 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (characteristic) 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (characteristic) 00002a0-40000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (characteristic) 0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (service) 0000fff1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (characteristic) 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (characteristic) once device start sending data, gatt service need read off of? is there way send query device reply supported - Error in form collection MVC 4 -

i'm trying add textbox values db using formcollection class every time giving 1 textbox value not other textboxes values. i'm sharing have done far. please guide me textbox in view: <input type="text" name="abcd" autocomplete="off" id="partnumber0" style="width:130px;" /> <input type="text" name="abcd" autocomplete="off" id="partnumber1" style="width:130px;" /> <input type="text" name="abcd" autocomplete="off" id="partnumber2" style="width:130px;" /> <input type="text" name="abcd" autocomplete="off" id="partnumber3" style="width:130px;" /> <input type="text" name="abcd" autocomplete="off" id="partnumber4" style="width:130px;" /> <input type="text" name="abcd" autocomplete=

java - Read a binary file through FileReader in browser and send it properly to server -

i'm trying following: read binary file through filereader. send file server. read file in server. the main questions @ bottom. read binary file through filereader , send server: i'm using angular, don't believe it's relevant unless ask me i'll remove boilerplate code, except call server. since filereader readasbinarystring deprecated, i'm using readasarraybuffer so: $resource(myurl, {}, { post: { method: 'post', params: {}, isarray: false, headers:{'content-type':'application/octet-stream'}} }); var reader = new filereader(); reader.onload = function() {{}, reader.result); }; when code runs, see in network tab data seems pass correctly. post data contains byte array example of length 400 bytes. read file in server i'm using code read in server @post @path(mypath) @

deadlock - DB2 Read committed without locking? -

we have transaction modifying record. transaction must call web service, rolling transaction if service fails (so can't commit before hand). because record modified, client app has lock on it. however, web service must retrieve record information part of it's processing. bam, deadlock. we use websphere, which, reasons boggle mind, defaults repeatable read isolation level. knocked down read_committed, thinking retrieve row without seeking lock. in our dev environment, seemed work, in staging we're getting deadlocks. i'm not asking why behaved differently, made mistake somewhere. nor asking specifics of web service example above, because same thing happen elsewhere. but based on reading docs, seems read_committed acquire shared lock during read, , result wait exclusive lock held transaction (in case client app). don't want go read_uncommitted isolation level because don't want dirty reads. there less extreme solution? need middle ground can pe

c# - Module was expected to contain an assembly manifest -

i have project has been working fine in visual studio 2013 written in c# using wpf. project has few dependencies: galasoft.mvvmlight toolkit newtonsoft.json xceed.wpf.toolkit prior last night project has been working fine, ran , able debugged without issue. however, last night when deciding work on project, opened , tried compiling debugging. when application attempts ran via debugger, receive: error while trying run project: not load file or assembly 'myprojectname' or 1 of dependencies. module expected contain assembly manifest. some things have tried based on other questions , google: cleaning solution , rebuilding did not help. renaming project did not help. there no name collisions in dependencies , project. building anycpu works within debugger trying use x86 another thing note compiled binary runs fine outside of visual studio. refuses debugged within vs. not make sense me run fine outside of vs without error, inside throws error no additional in

javascript - AngularJS : ng-model dynamic binding does not work -

for reason cannot below 2 way binded. i'm trying make dynamic way of filling ng-model in forms html: <thead ng-repeat="field in fields"> <tr> <th> <select ng-model="{{}}"></select> </th> <th> <select ng-model="{{field.month}}"></select> </th> <th> <select ng-model="{{field.morning}}"></select> </th> <th> <select ng-model="{{field.eveningopen}}"></select> </th> <th> <select ng-model="{{field.eveningclosing}}"></select> </th> <th> <input type="checkbox" ng-model="{{field.checkmorning}}" /> </th> <th> <input type="checkbox" ng-model="{{field.checkevening}}" />

sql - Data Model to represent Flat and Variable rate -

i designing database app sell parking spot use. customer can order n number of uses of parking spot uses or pay flat rate , use monthly/weekly or yearly. can mix of also. can buy 9 parking spot uses , later decide pay whole month - in case charges kind of pro-rated. this, have customer table, order table , order type table. however, having hard time order-type table. can 1 please shed light on how model rate , available spot-uses customer?

java - Trouble with my conditions statement -

i trying make condition user checked 3 numbers. cannot seem figure out, want make sure user chooses 1 of these 3 numbers. system.out.println("how big want pizza? enter size of: 10, 12, or 14 inches."); size = scan.nextint(); while( size != 10 ) <=====(**problem**) { system.out.println("that not valid size. choose again."); size = scan.nextint(); } you want continue looping until 10, 12, or 14, use while (size != 10 && size != 12 && size != 14) { ... } or its equivalent while (!(size == 10 || size == 12 || size == 14)) { ... }

javascript - How to show images in local google maps? -

i want show photos in google maps, project looks this: /index.html /photos/1.jpg /photos/2.jpg /photos/..... index.html embedded google maps, this: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <div id="map"></div> so when open index.html in local browser, google map displayed. want show photos/*.jpg on map. how can that? is there libs me that? searched github cannot found one. i not sure understand question, if do, need on google's end. not yours. do, go , set how need to. can set typing in address of location want (or drop pin) , click on pin. can choose "add map" , saves location. once have locations want, can edit them clicking little paint bucket icon appears when scroll on locations. unfortunately, can use icons in pro version cost you. if want, can import map iframe clicking share in upper right

java - Passing values to object variables -

i using netbeans in order create jframe asks first name, last name, id number, gender, , level of education. new oop , specially java, please, bear me , excuse poor choice of words. i first created public class package registros; public class estudiantes { string nombre; string apellido; string sexo; string ci; string nived; } then created jframe, idea when hit button "insertar"(jbutton3 (in jbutton3actionperformed)) should obtain values of different jtextareas, radiobuttons , checkboxes, set values of different object variables , place object in vector. need button, don't know how "fill in object"(???) package registros; import java.util.*; public class newjframe extends javax.swing.jframe { estudiantes es; vector v = new vector (5,1); string sexovalue; public newjframe() { = new estudiantes(); initcomponents(); private void initcomponents() { buttongroup1 = new javax.swing.buttongroup();

java - How To handle cookies in a crawler -

i building webcrawler ( tiny one). few sites nytimes checks cookies whenever visit them. seems first check cookie, if not available sets it. if goes wrong, redirects login page. now, how behavior can handled using programming , prevent redirection. general answer: cookies used number of different purposes, there's no one-size-fits-all solution can use crawler. sites use cookies key component of user identification schemes, , if mess those, site might not identify crawler is. not preferred. if want more info on sending cookie data, though, can read here: . important line in http request is: cookie: name=value; name2=value2 specific answer: know of ny times site, require subscription in order read material, cookies required authentication, , should not spoofed crawler.

Java. and "\n" in console -

this question has answer here: reading in - java [duplicate] 8 answers im creating java program should read console , print out, once again. code looks this: import; public class printer { public static void main(string[] args){ int i; try { while ((i = != -1) { char c = (char)i; system.out.print(c); } } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } the problem is, if type text below in console first line printed, since "\n" after word "print" program doesn't print second line without me pressing enter manually this text want print , pressed enter and when press enter, second line, result is: this text want print , pressed enter which not how looked like. i prefer if first line didn't print automatically. wan

css3 - Avoid vendor specific prefixes in CSS -

looking method avoid vendor specific prefixes while writing css, unnecessarily lengthens css file. while using transforms have write following code transform:rotate(90deg); -moz-transform:rotate(90deg); -webkit-transform:rotate(90deg); -o-transform:rotate(90deg); -ms-transform:rotate(90deg); all 5 lines same thing different browsers. way avoid it? a javascript based solution -prefix-free lets use unprefixed css properties everywhere. works behind scenes, adding current browser’s prefix css code, when it’s needed.

highcharts - How to display total of extra data in stacked column high charts -

i have stacked column showing number of fruits eaten john , joe. aside number of fruits, show how cost of fruit consumption is. in case, can show amount of each fruit eaten john or joe (ex. john ate 5 apples $100 while joe ate 3 apples $60). however, show total cost per fruit (for apples, total consumption 8 apples worth $160). there way can this? you can see preliminary work here: $(function () { $('#container').highcharts({ chart: { type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'stacked column chart' }, xaxis: { categories: ['apples', 'oranges', 'pears'] }, yaxis: { min: 0, title: { text: 'total fruit consumption' }, stacklabels: { enabled: true, style: { fontweight: 'bold',

javascript - How to call an onclick function from a radio button when it is changed dynamically? -

i'm working cgi file , gets below parameter query string , uses shown below. $rettype = p->param('rettype'); if($rettype eq "a") { $achecked="checked"; $rchecked=""; } if($rettype eq "r") { $achecked=""; $rchecked="checked"; } this used in later portion of file chooses radio button needs selected. <input type="radio" name="gctyp" value="a" $achecked onclick="showtextarea()";>add <input type="radio" name="gctyp" value="r" $rchecked onclick="hidetextarea()";>remove now, want onclick js function present in radio button called based on option checked. happens dynamically , function isn't getting called. thanks help seems executing perl code , printing direct html output. that's known hardcoded html , not practice. templating modules template::toolkit better results , cleaner code. also, own goo

c# - Make a SQL Query to LINQ -

this question exact duplicate of: make sql query nhibernate 2 answers how sql query linq? select company inner join customer on company.companyid = customer.companyid companyid = 2 you try one: var result = c in companies join cu in customers on c.companyid equals cu.companyid c.companyid==2 select or var result = db.companies .join(customers.where(x==>x.companyid==2), x=>x.companyid, y=>y.companyid, y=>; where companies , customers refer companies , customers respectively.

jquery - Copy a textarea value into a div keeping line breaks and html as text -

i working on trying way whatever in textarea move on div on button click. of key features looking want linebreaks stay , if user inputs kind of html tags, cross on shown same way. so entered: <body> <p>blah blah blah</p> <p>more text</p> </body> will still same in div area. i have tried couple of things, have tried this: var value = $('#selector-input textarea').val().replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'); $('#selector-canvas #canvas').text(value); does have ideas? appreciated. thanks! if want preserve tags have replace angle brackets first, followed replacing newline characters - var value = $('textarea').val() .replace(/</g, '&lt;') .replace(/>/g,'&gt;') .replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');

jquery - Hide and show text boxes, based on previous text boxes being filled -

i'm completely new jquery , javascript apologize in advance obvious misconceptions. currently, i'm looking way have 2 text boxes shown user, , once filled out, remaining however-many text boxes show below them. i've looked dynamic validation bit, couldn't quite figure out how integrate it. my environment visual studio 2013, in mvc project/ approach. here jsfiddle found that's somewhat related i'm trying do. html: <p>show textboxes <input type="radio" name="radio1" id="r1" value="show" onclick="getresults()">do nothing <input type="radio" name="radio1" id="r2" value="nothing"> </p>wonderful textboxes: <div class="text"> <p>textbox #1 <input type="text" name="text1" id="text1" maxlength="30"> </p> </div> <div class="te

c++ - Java Tcp socket: how to detect on client that no more data needs to be received by server? -

i sending byte[] on java socket c++ server. client doesn't know how data sent in advance. there other way detect on client side data sent socket can disconnected without data loss on server side? using thread.sleep(1000) not disconnecting before data has been received there better way this? server.cpp: do{ memset(chunk ,0 , 4096); n = recv(sock , chunk , 4096 , 0); myfile.write(chunk, n); } while (n>0); while(issending){ try { dataoutputstream out = new dataoutputstream(socket.getoutputstream()); data = getdatafromqueue(); out.write(data,0,data.length); out.flush(); } catch (ioexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } } //how wait here until data received? try { socket.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } the tcp connection full-duplex. there 2 independent byte streams, 1 in each direction. can close write half of connection , called ha

javascript - Make A Bookmarklet Execute A Function That It Downloads -

i create bookmarklet downloads remote javascript file in function defined , executes function parameters hard-coded bookmarklet. here standard "download-and-run-remote-script" bookmarklet function call in last line: javascript:( function () { var new_script = document.createelement("script"); new_script.src = ""; document.body.appendchild(new_script); do_stuff('hello world!'); } ) (); here contents of myscript.js: function do_stuff(input_variable) { alert(input_variable); } as written, doesn't anything. why not? should differently? scripts load asynchronously. means script doesn't finish loading before try run function. solution 1.) myvar = 'hello world!' in bookmarklet , do_stuff(myvar) in myscript.js. solution 2.) use onload event script element create. more robust, more complicated.

java - Android NDK UnsatisfiedLinkError Native method not found -

unsatisfiedlinkerror while running android ndk app. have read the android dev jni tips on error . , far can tell doing correctly. have studied jni spec , doesn't seem help. need jni_onload method? optional. need kind of header soundtouch-jni.cpp file? don't think so. basics: package io.hpp.soundtouch , class soundtouch , java call native method string getversionstring() , c++ method extern "c" jstring java_io_hpp_soundtouch_soundtouch_getversionstring(jnienv *env, jobject thiz) error log: 06-09 18:11:44.817: d/dalvikvm(4510): trying load lib /data/app-lib/io.hpp.starspace-1/ 0x41ee0530 06-09 18:11:44.817: d/dalvikvm(4510): added shared lib /data/app-lib/io.hpp.starspace-1/ 0x41ee0530 06-09 18:11:44.817: d/dalvikvm(4510): no jni_onload found in /data/app-lib/io.hpp.starspace-1/ 0x41ee0530, skipping init 06-09 18:11:44.817: w/dalvikvm(4510): no implementation found native lio/hpp/soundtouch/soundtouch;.getver

r - How can I include hyperlinks in a table within an Sweave document? -

i have data frame containing hyperlinks present clickable links using sweave . know xtable , not sure how use treat contents of data frame latex commands. one strategy use sanitize.text.function print function in xtable . setting sanitize.text.function = function(x){x} causes print echo contents of data frame later interpretation latex: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} \title{example of how include hyperlinks in sweave \texttt{xtable}} \author{david r. lovell} \maketitle <<load-packages, include=false>>= require(xtable) @ <<read-data, tidy=false>>= hits <- read.table(textconnection( "count,link,title 1031,,jobs 796,,home"), stringsasfactors=false, sep=",", header=true) @ <<print-xtable, echo = false, results = 'asis'>>= print( xtable( hits, align="rrll", caption="

multithreading - Java wordcount: a mediocre implementation -

i implemented wordcount program java. basically, program takes large file (in tests, used 10 gb data file contained numbers only), , counts number of times each 'word' appears - in case, number (23723 example might appear 243 times in file). below implementation. seek improve it, performance in mind, few other things well, , looking guidance. here few of issues wish correct: currently, program threaded , works properly. however, pass chunk of memory (500mb/num_threads) each thread, , each thread proceeds wordcount. problem here have main thread wait threads complete before passing more data each thread. isn't of problem, there period of time few threads wait , nothing while. believe sort of worker pool or executor service solve problem (i have not learned syntax yet). the program work file contains integers. that's problem. struggled lot, didn't know how iterate through data without creating loads of unused variables (using string or stringbuilder had awf

Linq groupby IdCordinator only if categery type count greater than one -

need group records idcordinator, conditions if category type not equal "s", include in group if category type "s" for particular coordinator , count greater than 1 include in group if category type "s" a particular coordinator , count equal 1 not include in group how should frame clause. if have clause below, if there 1 element list though not of category "s" returns 0 records. using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; namespace linqgroupbywhere { class program { static void main( string[] args ) { studentlist studentlist = new studentlist(); studentlist.getlist(); console.readkey(); } } public class studentlist { public void getlist() { list<students> stdlst = new list<students>(); stdlst.add( new students( "stud1", 20, "m", "i001" ) ); stdlst.add( new st

How to uninstall the "Microsoft Advertising SDK" Visual Studio extension? -

one of extensions listed in visual studio (2012 me) "microsoft advertising sdk windows 8.1". uninstall extensions don't need, 1 won't allow me. if hover (enabled!) button says in tooltip: this product cannot uninstalled via extensions , updates it looks this: on second inspection see similar (more helpful) message bottom right: you need use programs , features pane in windows control panel remove extension. easy enough, no? it's not there! or: in addition instructions on screen searched. helpful source this msdn page says same thing. link broken . commenters mentioned the extension web page (see "reviews" , "q , a" tabs) has few similar complaints. i've cross-posted question there well. link broken, if search others complaining still on msdn forums . in case: there easy way uninstall extension? run following elevated powershell prompt: gwmi win32_product -filter "name 'microsoft a

android - Spinner onItemSelected called indefinitely -

i have spinner , changing entries on every item click using setadapter. issue facing on click of spinner setonitemselectedlistener being called indefinite times. can see in below code confirmation box shown on click of every item , dialog box keeps appearing infinite number of times. below code adapter_after_confirm = arrayadapter.createfromresource(this, r.array.spinner_after_confirmation, android.r.layout.simple_spinner_item); adapter_after_waiting = arrayadapter.createfromresource(this, r.array.spinner_after_waiting, android.r.layout.simple_spinner_item); adapter_after_boarded = arrayadapter.createfromresource(this, r.array.spinner_after_boarded, android.r.layout.simple_spinner_item); adapter_after_reached = arrayadapter.createfromresource(this, r.array.spinner_after_reached, android.r.layout.simple_spinner_item); // specify layout use when list of choices appears adapter_after_confirm.setdropdownviewresource(android.r.