r - .html plotGoogleMap does not load in shiny App when deployed on shinyapps.io -

i trying embed plotgooglemap in shiny app online. locally app works perfectly, when uploading via shinyapps shinyapps.io .html map not load.

any ideas how solve issue?

see code below.


library('markdown') library('shiny')  shinyui(navbarpage("plotgoolemaps in shinyapps",                    mainpanel(uioutput('mymap'))                   )        ) 


library('shiny') library('plotgooglemaps')  shinyserver(function(input, output){   output$mymap <- renderui({     data(meuse)     coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y     proj4string(meuse) <- crs("+init=epsg:28992")     m <- plotgooglemaps(meuse, filename = 'mymap1.html', openmap = f)     tags$iframe(       srcdoc = paste(readlines('mymap1.html'), collapse = '\n'),       width = "900px",       height = "500px"       )   }) }) 

deploy app with shinyapps

library('shinyapps') setwd("~/working directory ui.r , server.r located locally") deployapp() 

this error log dont know conclude it:

[blocked] page @ 'about:srcdoc' loaded on https, ran  insecure content 'http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false':  content should loaded on https. about:srcdoc:1       uncaught referenceerror: google not defined about:srcdoc:21  https://chamaoskurumi.shinyapps.io/testmapshiny            /_w_cf38cbc66a336eaf0ab8b4e184402cba949ec9bc0b5cc5c0/legendf4d2427a4.png             404 (not found) about:srcdoc:3419      uncaught referenceerror: google not defined about:srcdoc:1989     initializeabout:srcdoc:1989     onloadabout:srcdoc:3411 

someone on shinyapps forum solved issue. http needs replaced https in map file. codewise, means that:


needs replaced by

gsub("http://maps.google.com/",       "https://maps.google.com/",       readlines('mymap1.html'),       fixed=true) 

i contacted author fix in next update of plotgooglemaps package. note legend not function, seems another issue


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