android - How can I use OnListItemClickListener using this Search Filtering ListView -

i'm having trouble using setonitemclicklistener in listview. everytime try, causes many errors fixes makes code worse i'm intending do.

this code:

public class search extends activity{ // list view private listview lv;  // listview adapter arrayadapter<string> adapter;  // search edittext edittext inputsearch;   // arraylist listview arraylist<hashmap<string, string>> productlist;  @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_search);  // listview data final string products[] = {"fill in blocks", "the music bee", "little paragon", "subway surfers", "cytus", "temple run", "clumsy ninja", "smash hit"};  lv = (listview) findviewbyid(; inputsearch = (edittext) findviewbyid(;  // adding items listview adapter = new arrayadapter<string>(this, r.layout.list_item,,        products); lv.setadapter(adapter);  /** * enabling search filter * */ inputsearch.addtextchangedlistener(new textwatcher() {  @override public void ontextchanged(charsequence cs, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { // when user changed text search.this.adapter.getfilter().filter(cs);    } @override public void beforetextchanged(charsequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { // todo auto-generated method stub        }  @override public void aftertextchanged(editable arg0) { // todo auto-generated method stub                           }             });     }        } 

i want make strings in listview data clickable other activities won't work. tried code:

 lv.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener() {  public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view, int position, long id) {   string openclass = adapter.getitem[position];  if (openclass.equals("fill in blocks")) {    intent myintent = new intent(view.getcontext(), fill_in_the_blocks.class);    startactivityforresult(myintent, 0);    }  else if (openclass.equals("the music bee")) {    intent myintent1 = new intent(view.getcontext(), the_music_bee.class);    startactivityforresult(myintent1, 0);    }  else if (openclass.equals("little paragon")) {    intent myintent2 = new intent(view.getcontext(), little_paragon.class);    startactivityforresult(myintent2, 0);    }    } 

the errors follows: -in lv.setonitemclicklistener, "the method setonitemclicklistener(adapterview.onitemclicklistener) in type adapterview not applicable arguments (new onitemclicklistener(){})" -in (new onitemclicklistener(), "onitemclicklistener cannot resolved type" -in public void onitemclick(adapterview, "adapterview cannot resolved type" -in string openclass = adapter.getitem[position];, "getitem cannot resolved or not field"

  • in lv.setonitemclicklistener, "the method setonitemclicklistener(adapterview.onitemclicklistener) in type adapterview not applicable arguments (new onitemclicklistener(){})"
  • in (new onitemclicklistener(), "onitemclicklistener cannot resolved type"
  • in public void onitemclick(adapterview, "adapterview cannot resolved type"

the first 3 errors should disappear replacing new onitemclicklistener() with

new adapterview.onitemclicklistener() 

and make sure import:

import android.widget.adapterview; 

the final error:

  • in string openclass = adapter.getitem[position];, "getitem cannot resolved or not field"

you meant calling getitem method, rather using array indexing.

replace line:

string openclass = adapter.getitem[position]; 


string openclass = adapter.getitem(position); 


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