matplotlib - python pyplot.quiver: Scaling of two superimposed vector fields -
i want plot 2 vector fields in 1 quiver plot. working: each point, there 2 vectors in different colors. problem is, scaling not same: e.g. vector (1,0) first field (sol
) displayed length (1,0) field 2 (res
how can make quiver plot both fields same scale, (1,0) res
has same physical length on plot (1,0) sol
my code:
import numpy np matplotlib import pyplot plt #res , sol 2 vector fields dimension (ny, nx ,2) step=3 #not vectors should plotted. every third 1 (in x , y direction) x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,nx,step), np.arange(0,ny,step)) q=plt.quiver(x,y,sol[::step,::step,0], sol[::step,::step,1], color='r') w=plt.quiver(x,y,res[::step,::step,0], res[::step,::step,1], color='b') plt.quiverkey(q, 0.4, 0.15, 1, r'text1', labelpos='s') plt.quiverkey(w, 0.6, 0.15, 1, r'text2', labelpos='s')
you have 2 solutions:
- normalize input data , scale it
- tell quiver how scale data
solution 2 (fastest):
q=plt.quiver(x,y,sol[::step,::step,0], sol[::step,::step,1], color='r', scale=1) w=plt.quiver(x,y,res[::step,::step,0], res[::step,::step,1], color='b', scale=1)
you may adjust scale value, have keep same values in both quivers in order expect. this thread helped in case think it's not overspecification give same scale each quiver.
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