c# - Pass xml as a parameter to a stored procedure in SQL Server -
i trying pass xml parameter c# code stored procedure in sql server doesn't work.
public static void savereceipttrans(string psitecode, string xml) { try { string dbkey = "sn"; string connstr = encryption.decryptstring(configurationmanager.connectionstrings[dbkey].connectionstring); string cmdstr = "prc_pt_fac_iu"; sqlparameter[] sqlparams = new sqlparameter[1]; sqlparams[0] = new sqlparameter("@preceiptswithfactorynamecode", sqldbtype.xml); sqlparams[0].direction = parameterdirection.input; sqlparams[0].value = xml; int = sqlhelper.executenonquery(connstr, commandtype.storedprocedure, cmdstr, sqlparams); } catch (exception ex) { utillogging.logexception(ex, "error -> ", psitecode); } }
but no operations done on tables through stored procedure if there no call made stored procedure. have tested stored procedure dummy xml string , works fine when pass parameter c# code doesn't work.
alter procedure [dbo].[prc_pt_fac_iu] ( @preceiptswithfactorynamecode xml ) begin set nocount on begin try declare @maxtransid int, @maxmoveid int, @rowcount int, @nexttransid int, @nextmoveid int declare @idoc int declare @tempcount int, @intflag int select identity(int) id, line.item.value('@site_cde', 'char(8)') site_cde, line.item.value('@po_nbr', 'char(17)') po_nbr, line.item.value('@po_line_nbr', 'smallint') po_line_nbr, line.item.value('@ran', 'int') ran, line.item.value('@factory_name_code', 'int') factory_name_code, null item_id, null qty, null cur_loc_id, null cur_loc_status, null trans_id, null [user_id] #tmpreceiptswithfactorynamecode @preceiptswithfactorynamecode.nodes('/polines/poline') line(item) select @maxtransid = coalesce(max(trans_id),0) partstrack_receipt_trans (nolock) trans_id not null update rt set trans_id = @maxtransid + temp.id, factory_name_code = temp.factory_name_code partstrack_receipt_trans_bkp rt inner join #tmpreceiptswithfactorynamecode temp on rt.receipt_ack_nbr = temp.ran , rt.po_nbr = temp.po_nbr , rt.po_line_nbr = temp.po_line_nbr end public static int executenonquery(string pconnectionstring, commandtype pcommandtype, string pcommandtext, sqlparameter[] psqlparameters) { sqlconnection lsqlconnection = null; try { lsqlconnection = new sqlconnection(pconnectionstring); sqlcommand lsqlcommand = new sqlcommand(); lsqlcommand.commandtype = pcommandtype; lsqlcommand.connection = lsqlconnection; lsqlcommand.commandtext = pcommandtext; lsqlcommand.commandtimeout = 180; if (psqlparameters != null) { foreach (sqlparameter lsqlparameter in psqlparameters) lsqlcommand.parameters.add(lsqlparameter); } lsqlconnection.open(); return lsqlcommand.executenonquery(); } catch (sqlexception sqlexp) { throw sqlexp; } catch (exception exp) { throw exp; } { if (lsqlconnection != null && lsqlconnection.state != connectionstate.closed) lsqlconnection.close(); } }
i searched , found correct way pass xml parameter.
then doing wrong?
i found issue. suggested methods right since xml case sensitive found mis-match in xml node passing.
try pass xml value with sqlxml. should work.
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