c++ - how to render sprites as true spheres? -

i'm trying render fluid simulator liquid effect,

here render result: enter image description here

but want result

enter image description here

here geometry , pixel shader

[maxvertexcount(4)]  void maings(point gsps_input ginput[1],inout trianglestream<gsps_output> tristream)  {      float size = 0.065;    matrix mv = view;    float3 right  = normalize(float3(mv._11,mv._21,mv._31));     float3    = normalize(float3(mv._12,mv._22,mv._32));    //    float3 poseye = mul( float4(ginput[0].pos.xyz, 1.0),world).xyz;    //    float halfwidth  = size/length(poseye);    float halfheight = size/length(poseye);    //    float4 v[4];    v[0] = float4(ginput[0].pos + halfwidth*right - halfheight*up, 1.0f);    v[1] = float4(ginput[0].pos + halfwidth*right + halfheight*up, 1.0f);    v[2] = float4(ginput[0].pos - halfwidth*right - halfheight*up, 1.0f);    v[3] = float4(ginput[0].pos - halfwidth*right + halfheight*up, 1.0f);    //    //    gsps_output output;    [unroll]    for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)    {       //      output.pos    = mul(v[i], view);      output.posw    = (output.pos.xyz);       output.pos    = mul(output.pos, projection);      output.tex    = gquadtexc[i];      tristream.append(output);    }    tristream.restartstrip();  }   //pixel shader   float4 ps(gsps_output input) : sv_target  {    float3 n;    n.xy = input.tex*float2(2.0f,-2.0f) + float2(-1.0f,1.0f);    float mag = dot(n.xy, n.xy);    if (mag > 1.0)     {      discard;    }     n.z = sqrt(1.0f-mag);    n = n * 0.5 + 0.5;      float4 pixelpos = float4(input.posw + n*(1/32), 1.0);    float4 clipspacepos = mul(pixelpos, projection);    float depthval = (clipspacepos.z / clipspacepos.w); 

i found here this, it's not explanation link


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