Print multiple PDF pages using Android 4.4 printing framework -

i want ask help. want print/create pdf document. can create 1 pdf page , write data page via canvas. problem dont know how can create pdf page , continue writing second page. if has experiences full spend many time this.

i use this:

part of code there:

 private void doprint(int _docnumber){     docnumber = _docnumber;     //get printmanager instance     printmanager printmanager = (printmanager)this.getsystemservice(context.print_service);     // set job name, displayed in print queue     string jobname = getstring(r.string.app_name) + " dokument";     // start print job, passing in printdocumentadapter implementation     // handle generation of print document     printmanager.print(jobname, new myprintdocadapter(), null);      toast.maketext(getbasecontext(), "príprava na tlač...", toast.length_short).show(); }  public class myprintdocadapter extends printdocumentadapter {     context context;     private int pageheight;     private int pagewidth;     public pdfdocument mypdfdocument;      @override     public void onlayout(printattributes oldattributes, printattributes newattributes, cancellationsignal cancellationsignal, layoutresultcallback callback, bundle extras) {         mypdfdocument = new printedpdfdocument(context, newattributes);         pageheight = newattributes.getmediasize().getheightmils()/1000 * 72;         pagewidth = newattributes.getmediasize().getwidthmils()/1000 * 72;          if (cancellationsignal.iscanceled() ) {             callback.onlayoutcancelled();             return;         }          if (totalpages > 0) {             printdocumentinfo.builder builder = new printdocumentinfo                     .builder("dokument_"+ docnumber + ".pdf")                     .setcontenttype(printdocumentinfo.content_type_document)                     .setpagecount(totalpages);              printdocumentinfo info =;             callback.onlayoutfinished(info, true);         } else {             callback.onlayoutfailed("počet strán je nula.");         }     }      @override     public void onwrite(final pagerange[] pageranges, final parcelfiledescriptor destination,                         final cancellationsignal cancellationsignal, final writeresultcallback callback) {         (int = 0; < totalpages; i++) {             if (pageinrange(pageranges, i))             {                 pdfdocument.pageinfo newpage = new pdfdocument.pageinfo.builder(pagewidth, pageheight, i).create();        page = mypdfdocument.startpage(newpage);                  if (cancellationsignal.iscanceled()) {                     callback.onwritecancelled();                     mypdfdocument.close();                     mypdfdocument = null;                     return;                 }                  switch (docnumber) {                     case 1:  drawobjednavka(page, i);                         break;                     case 2:  drawvykaz(page, i);                         break;                     default: toast.maketext(mainactivity.this, "bad file format",toast.length_short).show();             }                 mypdfdocument.finishpage(page);             }         }          try {             mypdfdocument.writeto(new fileoutputstream(destination.getfiledescriptor()));         } catch (ioexception e) {             callback.onwritefailed(e.tostring());             return;         } {             mypdfdocument.close();             mypdfdocument = null;         }         callback.onwritefinished(pageranges);     }      private boolean pageinrange(pagerange[] pageranges, int page)     {         (int = 0; i<pageranges.length; i++)         {             if ((page >= pageranges[i].getstart()) &&                     (page <= pageranges[i].getend()))                 return true;         }         return false;     }      private void drawobjednavka( page, int pagenumber) {          int verticalposy = 0;         canvas = page.getcanvas();         pagenumber++; // make sure page numbers start @ 1          typeface tf = typeface.create(typeface.default, typeface.normal); // there can change type of font family, if needed pf         pdfdocument.pageinfo pageinfo = page.getinfo();         paint paint = new paint();         paint.settypeface(tf);         paint.setcolor(;         paint.setstrokewidth(1f); //set line thickness          paint.settextsize(20);         paint.settypeface(typeface.default_bold);         canvas.drawtext("objednávka", default_left_margin_x, 30, paint);... 

since painting directly canvas, can calculate totalpages need. when new media size selected user, should redraw pages according page dimensions , how want display page.

your code ok, need calculate totalpages according media size selected user. have pagewidth , pageheight, , can margins via newattributes.getminmargins(). values need in newattributes.


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