extjs - Converting Sencha Touch 2.3 app to native android - cordova - APK size too big for even small app -

i converting sencha touch 2.3 app native android via sencha cmd (which integrates cordova)

i following guide : http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2.3.1/#!/guide/cordova

i have working sencha touch 2.3 app, made via sencha architect 3.0.4

  1. i switch directory of app, , sencha codova init com.example.voltclient
  2. in cordova.local.properties generated in root folder, change following line android have android platform. cordova.platforms= android
  3. run sencha app build native
  4. i never told precisely .apk file made, search entire folder structure, , find apk inside \cordova\platforms\android\ant-build
  5. it has 2 files of name voltclient-debug-unaligned.apk , voltclient-debug.apk. both of same exact size, , copy 1 of them phone using usb connection, , install on phone work

the last 2 points, have sort of figured out on own, didnt read in guide. questions are:

  1. is there better way of doing this? documented somewhere - surely there clear path apk generated rather me having search deep inside folders
  2. even simple app : http://ezcodes.co.uk/som/new/voltclient/, size of apk 9 mb. think because debug version? sencha doc above says:

for cordova , phonegap, sencha cmd can create debug versions of applications, not release (for app store) version. create release versions, have use packager such eclipse or intellij android, or xcode ios.

not sure if causing huge size. how apk made production mode then?

the full tree structure after commands above have been executed:

+---.idea |   \---scopes +---.sencha |   \---app |       \---microloader +---app |   +---controller |   +---form |   +---model |   +---store |   \---view +---cordova |   +---hooks |   +---merges |   |   \---android |   +---platforms |   |   \---android |   |       +---ant-build |   |       |   +---classes |   |       |   |   \---com |   |       |   |       \---example |   |       |   |           \---voltclient |   |       |   +---dexedlibs |   |       |   \---res |   |       |       +---drawable |   |       |       +---drawable-hdpi |   |       |       +---drawable-land-hdpi |   |       |       +---drawable-land-ldpi |   |       |       +---drawable-land-mdpi |   |       |       +---drawable-land-xhdpi |   |       |       +---drawable-ldpi |   |       |       +---drawable-mdpi |   |       |       +---drawable-port-hdpi |   |       |       +---drawable-port-ldpi |   |       |       +---drawable-port-mdpi |   |       |       +---drawable-port-xhdpi |   |       |       \---drawable-xhdpi |   |       +---ant-gen |   |       |   \---com |   |       |       \---example |   |       |           \---voltclient |   |       +---assets |   |       |   \---www |   |       |       +---css |   |       |       +---img |   |       |       +---js |   |       |       +---resources |   |       |       |   +---icons |   |       |       |   +---images |   |       |       |   \---startup |   |       |       \---theme |   |       +---cordova |   |       |   +---lib |   |       |   \---node_modules |   |       |       +---.bin |   |       |       +---q |   |       |       |   \---benchmark |   |       |       \---shelljs |   |       |           +---bin |   |       |           +---scripts |   |       |           \---src |   |       +---cordovalib |   |       |   +---ant-build |   |       |   |   +---classes |   |       |   |   |   +---com |   |       |   |   |   |   \---squareup |   |       |   |   |   |       \---okhttp |   |       |   |   |   |           \---internal |   |       |   |   |   |               +---http |   |       |   |   |   |               +---spdy |   |       |   |   |   |               \---tls |   |       |   |   |   \---org |   |       |   |   |       \---apache |   |       |   |   |           \---cordova |   |       |   |   +---dexedlibs |   |       |   |   \---res |   |       |   +---ant-gen |   |       |   |   \---org |   |       |   |       \---apache |   |       |   |           \---cordova |   |       |   +---libs |   |       |   +---res |   |       |   \---src |   |       |       +---com |   |       |       |   \---squareup |   |       |       |       \---okhttp |   |       |       |           \---internal |   |       |       |               +---http |   |       |       |               +---spdy |   |       |       |               \---tls |   |       |       \---org |   |       |           \---apache |   |       |               \---cordova |   |       +---libs |   |       +---platform_www |   |       +---res |   |       |   +---drawable |   |       |   +---drawable-hdpi |   |       |   +---drawable-land-hdpi |   |       |   +---drawable-land-ldpi |   |       |   +---drawable-land-mdpi |   |       |   +---drawable-land-xhdpi |   |       |   +---drawable-ldpi |   |       |   +---drawable-mdpi |   |       |   +---drawable-port-hdpi |   |       |   +---drawable-port-ldpi |   |       |   +---drawable-port-mdpi |   |       |   +---drawable-port-xhdpi |   |       |   +---drawable-xhdpi |   |       |   +---values |   |       |   \---xml |   |       \---src |   |           \---com |   |               \---example |   |                   \---voltclient |   +---plugins |   \---www |       +---css |       +---img |       +---js |       +---resources |       |   +---icons |       |   +---images |       |   \---startup |       \---theme +---metadata |   +---model |   +---resource |   +---store |   \---view +---resources |   +---css |   +---icons |   +---images |   +---loading |   +---sass |   |   +---.sass-cache |   |   |   +---128e2f4b7bfb52ef384e374a251b71c4ed994d1c |   |   |   +---1c90655657c13be250810a284b256e926a36f9ad |   |   |   +---1ca11a694f0b1071784db4b3a6dc5c561d02ad96 |   |   |   +---2149f8d1cff68ae50966d109d49e5bfd6ec50b87 |   |   |   +---26954d5c8e55ac3bd8222141337cc59b952459a6 |   |   |   +---279ab5d4b42dd71492319bcd9caca63a5d28bacd |   |   |   +---30787d83a5940c773f32724589a33a79199bf405 |   |   |   +---378536102e0b73788a9cd2bf787960f166383aa7 |   |   |   +---3c7241d239eba3c20b65a3daf4174b64c081f54d |   |   |   +---51ce3f03e8818d38cc42f53732b4618131a9ab33 |   |   |   +---522379a84a54aea10b6821f00c9173913b6ab0b3 |   |   |   +---57d21c61c610471ef03b1c7975454ca452fdaa26 |   |   |   +---5ec579f78865b41c4143289e4364fef35aca2a10 |   |   |   +---66a64d32d52ee0e936ddea50b1dc1750f3287990 |   |   |   +---6d9e23cd4b3bc55c522d33d4516a496ce2f86b23 |   |   |   +---705637c440eb6322a3053b2084996bf756dd0fdd |   |   |   +---7afa3863269e15003f4e1528984de383cca7c3a6 |   |   |   +---82e87c1b8ec0434b72287ae13c9b8720bf6a1f0c |   |   |   +---8589547fddf6a94058d2bad624f186a142e79908 |   |   |   +---87a785e527b59eb9e8746c2879bc20d719dba6e1 |   |   |   +---8f26403ce3864783eef211ff7cfc1b756725f7a6 |   |   |   +---986ef6cd01f988ea18f143744f9596917b7ff023 |   |   |   +---9a4e9e37ff410b8559b7032fdf2a2b01b92ad5de |   |   |   +---9ddcde549ab9acfe48a1af668d860160d5083649 |   |   |   +---a4af9db75db35edb5d5815076c39c58ef85610dc |   |   |   +---a8214bd2e70d414d1d440a13bd779c75e939c661 |   |   |   +---ac7e763099095338226601527d4a9e423e9203c6 |   |   |   +---ae00a9696b0fd54caae0735f3b21ec6c2898fb98 |   |   |   +---b1c045ce6fdfb70e41c16a5f1dd67c75d6fb0f67 |   |   |   +---c7f5e1b996d360126e09d5f7b1b319965d1001d4 |   |   |   +---cb543128af5e938d2c77d439bef5d9906c5c0d19 |   |   |   +---ce583be6fb6ac9ab54c7a886ca228bdd76425f39 |   |   |   +---d12ce068c41538684b3ec41b734ec2d37d4fbdff |   |   |   +---d3320726b935ba02c131fb4825bf5ce9fb8d4c37 |   |   |   +---e0daee8ac2d8621ed6e605142d164c9db8030e60 |   |   |   +---e10ea657008d073a457ba004dc3d4ee9021de521 |   |   |   +---e1ebefb092489f6d5e8f75f569ad010f023a1605 |   |   |   +---e6a653f42365227e3a2a59b78a353636d079fad4 |   |   |   +---ecdf2a97d80583712352aba7087965e7692b212c |   |   |   +---edc26d9b4af330029b8b069299e690590c89ebf3 |   |   |   +---ee94d0a1a3463e2e2de3d7cb4984b2e6f5c59c11 |   |   |   +---f86ba89140925eb449fbe4a2d41f039fd8979632 |   |   |   +---fa44f5c33d577f2cf0028637f60b60725addb0ec |   |   |   \---fab609f96e03eba36dc28555020aa96610876df6 |   |   \---stylesheets |   |       \---fonts |   |           +---ios7 |   |           +---pictos |   |           \---tizen |   \---startup \---theme 

contents of root folder here :

.architect .idea .sencha app app.js app.json app.json.meta bootstrap.js bootstrap.json build.xml cordova cordova.local.properties dir.txt feed_section_ipsum_json.txt home_page_feed_data.json index.html metadata packager.json packager.temp.json resources test.json theme tree.txt user_data.json voltclient.xds 


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