vb.net - GetTokenInformation returns invalid SID? -

while following this ran problem.

   <dllimport("advapi32.dll", setlasterror:=true)> _ private shared function openprocesstoken(byval processhandle intptr, byval desiredaccess integer, byref tokenhandle intptr) boolean end function  <dllimport("advapi32.dll", setlasterror:=true)> _ private shared function gettokeninformation(tokenhandle intptr, tokeninformationclass token_information_class, tokeninformation intptr, tokeninformationlength uinteger, byref returnlength uinteger) boolean end function   <dllimport("advapi32.dll", setlasterror:=true)> _ private shared function isvalidsid(sid byte()) boolean end function     each p process in process.getprocesses          dim processhandle intptr = openprocess(process_query_limited_information, false, p.id)         if not processhandle = nothing             dim tokenhandle intptr = nothing             dim bool boolean = openprocesstoken(processhandle, token_read, tokenhandle)             if bool = false                 dim win32error string = new win32exception(marshal.getlastwin32error).message                  messagebox.show(win32error)             else                 dim sidlength uinteger = nothing                 dim sidbyte byte() = nothing                  dim somebool boolean = gettokeninformation(tokenhandle, token_information_class.tokenuser, nothing, 0, sidlength)                  if not somebool                     dim win32error string = new win32exception(marshal.getlastwin32error).message                     messagebox.show(win32error)                      ''returns "the data area passed system call small" error.                 end if                  redim sidbyte(35) '' hardcoded '35' because it's i'm getting sidlength.  somebool = gettokeninformation(tokenhandle, token_information_class.tokenuser, sidbyte, sidbyte.length, sidlength)  ''returns true second time.                  if not somebool                     dim win32error string = new win32exception(marshal.getlastwin32error).message                      messagebox.show(win32error)                 end if                  if isvalidsid(sidbyte)                     messagebox.show("valid")                 else                     messagebox.show("not valid")                 end if  ''returns invalid sid. (fails) 

the first call gettokeninformation fails it's supposed guess... returning "sidlength" value of 36. second call succeeds , sid byte() gets populated, call "isvalidsid" returns false... , can't figure out why, if sidbytes populated successfully, what's problem?


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