c++ - Get Mouse Wheel movement data -

i have wrote window hook retrieve mouse events

_handle = setwindowshookex(wh_mouse,                     (hookproc)keyevent,                     nullptr,                     getcurrentthreadid());  static lresult winapi keyevent(int ncode, wparam wparam, lparam lparam) {     if(ncode >= 0)     {          mousehookstruct* mstruct = ( mousehookstruct*)lparam;          msllhookstruct* mwheeldstruct = (msllhookstruct*)lparam;           cmousehookcom::_this->reporteventw(mstruct->hwnd, wparam, mwheeldstruct);     }      return(callnexthookex(null, ncode, wparam, lparam)); }  case wm_mousewheel:         outputdebugstring(l"cmousehookcom-wm_mousewheel");         strm = (msllhookstruct*)extradata;         zdelta = (short)(hiword(((msllhookstruct*)extradata)->mousedata));         _stprintf(buffer, l"cmousehookcom - wm_mousewheel delta %d %i", zdelta, short((strm->mousedata >> 16) & 0xffff));         outputdebugstring(buffer);         if (zdelta > 0)         {             outputdebugstring(l"cmousehookcom-wm_mousewheel up");             invoke_onscrollout(componentid);         }         else         {             outputdebugstring(l"cmousehookcom-wm_mousewheel down");             invoke_onscrollin(componentid);         }         break;     default:         _stprintf(buffer, l"cmousehookcom - unhandleled event %d", event);         outputdebugstring(buffer);         break;     } 

no matter how try positive results of wheel. different value. correct way retrieve data?

you should use raw input instead of mouse hook. less overhead on os monitor mouse, , gives information hook not.


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