iframe - casper won't load dynamic frame because of bind -

i have page frame in it. frame loaded same (currently: localhost) server. however, after frame loaded, page suppose load content frame (happens in every browser) not happening in casper.

i'll list in simple steps:

  1. page loading
  2. frame loading
  3. page loading content frame

this last step, step 3 missing. waiting 5 seconds didn't help, every screen capture coming empty frame is.

i've used withframe method, , did frame, won't fill (got loaded code, not full code appears after in every browser).

after using error checking, seems casper not recognize bind() method. i've tried inject bind prototype so:

    if (!function.prototype.bind)     {         console.log('bind injecttor 1');         function.prototype.bind = function (othis)         {         console.log('bind injecttor 2');         if (typeof !== "function")         {             console.log('bind injecttor error');             // closest thing possible ecmascript 5 internal iscallable function             throw new typeerror("function.prototype.bind - trying bound not callable");         }          var aargs = array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),             ftobind = this,             fnop = function ()             {             },             fbound = function ()             {             return ftobind.apply(this instanceof fnop && othis                     ?                     : othis,                 aargs.concat(array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)));             };          fnop.prototype = this.prototype;         fbound.prototype = new fnop();          console.log('bind injected.');         return fbound;         };     } 

now, got first log, none of others. ideas?


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