Spring Boot Testing: Cannot Autowire springSecurityFilterChain on Test Class -

i still wresting various annotations in setting test context under spring boot.

i have been referring this article, refreshingly clear on how deal various contexts under spring boot. problem remaining cannot seem find annotation combination make springsecurityfilterchain visible in both main application context (driven here):

@enableautoconfiguration @componentscan public class application {      public static void main(string[] args) throws exception {         applicationcontext ctx = springapplication.run(application.class, args);     }  } 

and test application context begun here:

@runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) @contextconfiguration(classes = {testpersistenceconfig.class,mvcconfig.class,securityconfig.class},loader=annotationconfigcontextloader.class) //@springapplicationconfiguration(classes = {testpersistenceconfig.class,mvcconfig.class,securityconfig.class}) @webappconfiguration public class applicationintegrationtest {      mockmvc mockmvc;      @autowired     private webapplicationcontext wac;      //@resource(name="springsecurityfilterchain")     @autowired     private filterchainproxy springsecurityfilterchain;      @autowired     private userdao userdao;      @autowired     private clientdao clientdao;      @autowired     private roledao roledao;       uuid key = uuid.fromstring("f3512d26-72f6-4290-9265-63ad69eccc13");       @before     public void setup() {          // using web application initate mock         mockmvc = mockmvcbuilders.webappcontextsetup(wac).addfilter(springsecurityfilterchain).build();          // our other choice using controller config         //mockmvc = mockmvcbuilders.annotationconfigsetup(exampleapplicationcontext.class).build();          // here should build data structure using hibernate         list<client> clients = new arraylist<>();          client clienten = new client();         clienten.setdeviceid("444444444");         clienten.setlanguage("en-en");         clienten.setagentid("444444444|68:5b:35:8a:7c:d0");         client clientendomain = clientdao.save(clienten);         clients.add(clientendomain);          list<role> roles = new arraylist<>();         role roleuser = new role();         roleuser.setrole("user");         role roleuserdomain = roledao.save(roleuser);         roles.add(roleuserdomain);          role roleadmin = new role();         roleadmin.setrole("admin");         role roleadmindomain = roledao.save(roleadmin);         roles.add(roleadmindomain);          user user = new user();         user.setlogin("user");         user.setpassword("password");         user.setclients(clients);         user.setroles(roles);          userdao.save(user);      }      @test     public void thatviewbootstrapuseshttpnotfound() throws exception {          // testing correct login form result in cookie being set         mvcresult result = mockmvc.perform(post("/login")                 .param("username", "user").param("password", "password")).andreturn();         cookie c = result.getresponse().getcookie("my-cookie");          cookie[] cookies = result.getresponse().getcookies();         (int = 0; <= cookies.length; i++) {             system.out.println("cookie " + + " name: " + cookies[i].getname());             system.out.println("cookie " + + " value: " + cookies[i].getvalue());         }         //assertthat(c.getvalue().length(), greaterthan(10));          // no cookie; 401 unauthorized         mockmvc.perform(get("/")).andexpect(status().isunauthorized());          // cookie; 200 ok         mockmvc.perform(get("/").cookie(c)).andexpect(status().isok());          // logout, , ensure we're told wipe cookie         result = mockmvc.perform(delete("/session")).andreturn();         c = result.getresponse().getcookie("my-cookie");         assertthat(c.getvalue().length(), is(0));     }  } 

by way @springapplicationconfiguration doesn't seem work in circumstance, contrary doco. security config follows:

@configuration @enablewebmvcsecurity @componentscan({         "com.touchcorp.touchpoint.security",         "com.touchcorp.touchpoint.service",         "com.touchcorp.touchpoint.model.dao"}) public class securityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter {       @autowired     deviceusernamepasswordauthenticationprovider customauthenticationprovider;      @override     protected void configure(authenticationmanagerbuilder auth) throws exception {           auth                 .authenticationprovider(customauthenticationprovider);     }      @configuration     @order(1)     public static class apiwebsecurityconfigurationadapter extends websecurityconfigureradapter {         protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {             http                 .antmatcher("/api/**")                     .authorizerequests()                 .anyrequest().hasrole("admin")                     .and()                     .httpbasic();         }     }      @order(2)     @configuration     public static class formloginwebsecurityconfigureradapter extends websecurityconfigureradapter {          @override         protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {             http                 .csrf().disable()                 .authorizerequests()                     .anyrequest().authenticated()                     .and()                     .formlogin()                 .loginpage("/login")                     .failureurl("/login?error=1")                     .permitall()                     .and()                 .logout()                     .logouturl("/logout")                     .logoutsuccessurl("/");         }     }      public void addresourcehandlers(resourcehandlerregistry registry) {         registry                 .addresourcehandler("/resources/**")                 .addresourcelocations("/resources/")                 .setcacheperiod(31556926);     }  } 

can see why springsecurityfilterchain invisible ("no beans of fileterchainproxy type found"). thanks, i'm pulling hair out here.

i think bit unclear purpose of annotations. spring boot reference good, doesn't extend beyond established baseline. seems have combine spring security, hibernate , mvc together, starts complicated , not clear 1 do.

i worried why @springapplicationconfiguration not working because in extensive use elsewhere (e.g. in spring boot samples) , works fine there. maybe classpath issue? how linking complete project others can try reproduce problem?

you have 2 different application contexts (one test , 1 in application) wouldn't surprising if behaved differently. in particular application has @enableautoconfiguration , test (as far can see) not, there's 1 difference that's worth looking into. nothing wrong test.

here's example of test autowires security filter: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security-oauth/blob/master/samples/oauth2/sparklr/src/test/java/org/springframework/security/samples/config/applicationconfigurationtests.java. works. here's another: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/uaa/blob/master/uaa/src/test/java/org/cloudfoundry/identity/uaa/mock/audit/auditcheckmvcmocktests.java.


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