ios - Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 _OBJC_CLASS_$_ALApplicationList theos -

i trying use applist rpetrich display applications' list dynamically. getting following error while compiling;

undefined symbols architecture armv7:   "_objc_class_$_alapplicationlist", referenced from:       objc-class-ref in ld: symbol(s) not found architecture armv7 

i think have placed required header files , library @ correct place mentioned in link i.e. header files in theos include folder , libapplist.dylib in theos' lib folder. here makefile:


include theos/makefiles/  bundle_name = settings settings_files = settings_install_path = /library/preferencebundles settings_frameworks = uikit settings_private_frameworks = preferences settings_libraries = applist settings_ldflags = -lapplist  include $(theos_make_path)/  internal-stage::     $(echo_nothing)mkdir -p $(theos_staging_dir)/library/preferenceloader/preferences$(echo_end)     $(echo_nothing)cp entry.plist $(theos_staging_dir)/library/preferenceloader/preferences/settings.plist$(echo_end)

#import <preferences/preferences.h> #import <uikit/uikit.h> #import <applist/alapplicationlist.h> //no error here. compiles fine  @interface settingslistcontroller: pslistcontroller { } @end  @implementation settingslistcontroller - (id)specifiers {     if(_specifiers == nil) {         _specifiers = [[self loadspecifiersfromplistname:@"settings" target:self] retain];     }     return _specifiers; } @end  @interface applicationslist : pslistcontroller {     bool found; }  @end  @implementation applicationslist  - (id)specifiers {     if(_specifiers == nil) {           nsmutablearray *__specifiers = [[[nsmutablearray alloc]init] retain];             alapplicationlist *apps = [alapplicationlist sharedapplicationlist]; //list apps           nsarray *displayidentifiers = [[apps.applications allkeys] sortedarrayusingcomparator:^nscomparisonresult(id obj1, id obj2) {          return [[apps.applications objectforkey:obj1] caseinsensitivecompare:[apps.applications objectforkey:obj2]];}]; //sort apps display name         // [displayidentifiers retain]; //make sure doesn't disappear when need use it, if use once, release          if(displayidentifiers.count > 0)         {             uialertview *myalert = [[uialertview alloc]initwithtitle:@"title" message:@"wow!" delegate:nil cancelbuttontitle:@"ok" otherbuttontitles:nil];             [myalert show];             [myalert release];          }         (int = 0; < displayidentifiers.count; i++) {             psspecifier* specifier = [psspecifier preferencespecifiernamed:[displayidentifiers objectatindex:i]                                                                     target:self                                                                        set:null                                                                        get:null                                                                     detail:nil                                                                       cell:psswitchcell                                                                       edit:nil];               [specifier setproperty:bundle forkey:@"lazy-bundle"];             specifier->action = @selector(lazyloadbundle:);             [__specifiers addobject:specifier];             }             [specifier release];         }         _specifiers = [nsarray arraywitharray:__specifiers];      }     return _specifiers; }  @end 

please tell me missing? unable figure out issue. alot.


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