java - primefaces:row edit event not working when click on pencil icon -

i using jsf,primefaces , hibernate have fetch data database inside table when click in pencil icon not working , not error or exception generated , click compiler not going on our bean class have name 1 table , client name database table working facility name column when define 2 column not working

my xhtml page

               <p:datatable id="allfacilitylist" var="facility" rendered="true" value="#  {facilitybean.facilitylist}" paginator="true" rows="15" paginatorposition="top" styleclass="fixed-size" emptymessage="no facility insdie faclity list" style="width:      965px;" editable="true">            <p:ajax event="rowedit" immediate="true" listener="#{facilitybean.onedit}" update=":ftlistform"/>                            <p:column headertext="facility name" style="width:60%; alignment-adjust: middle">                          <p:celleditor>                              <f:facet name="output">                                  <h:outputtext style="alignment-adjust: middle" value="#{}" />                               </f:facet>                                   <f:facet name="input">                                       <p:inputtext value="#{}"  style="width:100%"/>                                        </f:facet>                                     </p:celleditor>                           </p:column>       <p:column headertext="client name" style="width:60%; alignment-adjust: middle">                         <p:celleditor>                              <f:facet name="output">        <h:outputtext style="alignment-adjust: middle" value="#{facility.clientname}" />                                  </f:facet>                                   <f:facet name="input">               <p:inputtext value="#{facility.clientname}"  style="width:100%"/>                                        </f:facet>                               </p:celleditor>                           </p:column> 

my bean class row edit methode

     public void onedit(roweditevent event)      {      system.out.println("onedit methode of facility bean class");     facility facility=(facility) event.getobject();     facilityservice.editfacilitylist(facility);        }      myservice class editfacility method     public void editfacilitylist(facility facility)      {            int useridval = (integer) httpsession.getattribute(constants.user_id);    facility.setupdateuserid(useridval);         facility.setupdatedate(new date());     facilitydao.attachdirty(facility);   } 


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