c++ - DirectX9 texture shows up distorted -
for reason on machines conditionally (d3dptexturecaps_nonpow2conditional
) supports "non power of two" (nonpow2) textures i'm getting kind of image distortion:
(on machines supports nonpow2 textures works fine.)
this 1280x720 resolution rgb24 (d3dfmt_x8r8g8b8
i know there 4 rules when dealing conditionally supported textures:
1.the texture addressing mode texture stage set d3dtaddress_clamp.
mpdevice->setsamplerstate(0, d3dsamp_addressu, d3dtaddress_clamp);
mpdevice->setsamplerstate(0, d3dsamp_addressv, d3dtaddress_clamp);
mpdevice->setsamplerstate(0, d3dsamp_addressw, d3dtaddress_clamp);
2.texture wrapping texture stage disabled (d3drs_wrap n set 0).
mpdevice->setrenderstate(d3drs_wrap0, 0);
3.mipmapping not in use (use magnification filter only).
mpdevice->setsamplerstate(0, d3dsamp_mipfilter, d3dtexf_none);
4.texture formats must not d3dfmt_dxt1 through d3dfmt_dxt5.
i'm using d3dfmt_x8r8g8b8
texture created this:
mpdevice->createtexture(width, height, 1, d3dusage_dynamic, d3dfmt_x8r8g8b8, d3dpool_default, &ptexture, nullptr);
and updated this:
d3dlocked_rect lockedrect; ptexture->lockrect(0, &lockedrect, nullptr, d3dlock_discard); // const ippisize roisize = { width, height }; // ippicopy_8u_c3ac4r((ipp8u*) ppixels, width * 3, (ipp8u*) lockedrect.pbits, width * 4, roisize); // rgb rgba // ippicopy_8u_ac4c3r((ipp8u*) ppixels, width * 4, (ipp8u*) lockedrect.pbits, width * 3, roisize); // rgba rgb // temp. unsigned char* pdst = (unsigned char*) lockedrect.pbits; const unsigned char* psrc = ppixels; (int k = 0; k < width; k++) { (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { pdst[0] = psrc[0]; pdst[1] = psrc[1]; pdst[2] = psrc[2]; pdst[3] = 255; pdst += 4; psrc += 3; } } ptexture->unlockrect(0);
does had similar problem? or have idea on going on?
maybe there's wrong rgb data itself?
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