Batch File to archive files based on their name -

i have text files need archive daily , automate it. there 100 user folders , each user folder has 20 subfolders.

ex user folder structure:     d:\logs\john hayse\01     d:\logs\john hayse\02     d:\logs\john hayse\03     etc... d:\logs\john hayse\20  ex filenames:     john.hayes.t01.daily.log.txt     john.hayes.t02.daily.log.txt     billy.gavin.t02.daily.logs.txt 

i started righting batch file hundreds of if exist statements this:

if exist d:\john.hayes.t01* move d:\john.hayes.t01* d:\logs\john hayse\01" if exist d:\john.hayes.t02* move d:\john.hayes.t02* d:\logs\john hayse\02" 

if create separate text file containing users folders:

dir "d\logs" /b /a:d >d:\userfolderlist.txt 

how use create if exist statement once , loop through of users files , place them in proper user folder , in corresponding subfolder ##?

ex. d:\john.hayes.t02.daily.log.txt archive d:\logs\john hayes\02 

the users files start firstname.lastname.t## user's folder has space instead of '.' in between first , last name.

@echo off setlocal set "sourcedir=u:\sourcedir" set "destdir=u:\destdir" /f "tokens=1,2" %%a in (   'dir /b /ad "%destdir%\*" '   ) %%n in (01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20) (  if exist "%sourcedir%\%%a.%%b.t%%n.*" (    md  "%destdir%\%%a %%b\%%n\"    move "%sourcedir%\%%a.%%b.t%%n.*" "%destdir%\%%a %%b\%%n\"  ) )  goto :eof 

this should execute teh task describe - you'd need change settings of sourcedir , destdir suit.

the destination directory created if not exist. append 2>nul md line suppress already exists message if desired.

note there obvious flaw in scheme. not apparently catering possibility destination file exists.


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