plot - how histogram in Gnuplot works -

i try reproduce simple histogram gnuplot simple macro:

reset n=9 #number of intervals width=1 #interval width hist(x,width)=width*floor(x/width) set terminal pngcairo size 800,500 enhanced font 'verdana,14' set output "test.png" set boxwidth width set style fill transparent solid 0.5 border #fillstyle  set xrange [*:*] set yrange [0:2.]  set xlabel "x" set ylabel "freq."  plot "const.dat" u (hist($1,width)) smooth freq w boxes lc rgb "orange" notitle 

whit follow data:

 1.1  1.1  1.1  1.1  1.1  1.1  1.1  1.1 

now understand how hist(x,width) works in sense:


works every numbers taking width=1 , then:


and on, right?

now (hist($1,width)) take elements in columns , applay hist function everyone.

and can able make follow plot macro above:!enter image description here

question: if use (hist($1,width)):(1.0) don't understand whit plots change elements stay in 1 single boxes (from 0.5 1.5) ? enter image description here

in first case specify single column in using statement. since need @ least 2 (x , y-value), specified value (your hist(...)) used y-value , row number x-value. statement smooth frequency works such, takes points same x-value , sums corresponding y-values. in first example have no equal x-values since row number used.

in second example, use hist(...) value x-value, 1 rows. y-value 1.0. single box @ x=1 , y=8 (the number of rows).


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