installation - Install Liferay as Windows 2012R2 service -

i newbie on liferay , furthermore 100% windows infrastructure knowledge based. installed liferay 6.2 on windows 2012r2 server java jdk-8u5 version. running perfect long logged in user on server via remotedesktop having open tomcat startup.bat window. have start liferay and/or tomcat service?

thanks in advance efforts.

configuring liferay or tomcat run service on windows server doesn't differ in order have add files liferay_home\tomcat\bin directory.

to files have download full version of 64-bitwindows tomcat here : extract zip , go bin directory, copy service.bat , tomcat7.exe , tomcat7w.exe location : liferay_home\tomcat\bin

  1. setting service

open commad prompt (make sure have admin rights or run command prompt administrator),in command prompt go liferay_home\tomcat\bin , execute following command

service.bat install tomcat7 

this install tomcat6 service in windows. execute following commond setup additional configuration service

tomcat7w.exe es tomcat7.exe 

enter image description here

2 . configuration :

-xx:maxpermsize=512m -dfile.encoding=utf8 -duser.timezone=gmt"%catalina_home%/conf/jaas.config" -dorg.apache.catalina.loader.webappclassloader.enable_clear_references=false 

and make sure provide enough memory service setting initial memory pool , maximum one. enter image description here


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