MVVM : Binding Commands with Collection to Listbox in WPF -
i have list box in there different controls button , text box etc in item template, have collection bind listbox, works fine , want move code mvvm , , write commands in view model clicks events of buttons , how can bind collection + commands list box ??? because commands not in collection, data template list box
<datatemplate x:key="listitemtemplate"> <grid showgridlines="false"> <grid.rowdefinitions> <rowdefinition></rowdefinition> <rowdefinition></rowdefinition> <rowdefinition></rowdefinition> </grid.rowdefinitions> <dockpanel grid.row="0" name="commentspanel" lastchildfill="false" minwidth="350"> <textblock name="txtusername" isenabled="false" text="{binding username}" width="auto" dockpanel.dock="left" foreground="ghostwhite" margin="0,6,0,0"></textblock> <textblock name="txtdate" isenabled="false" text="{binding createdt}" width="auto" dockpanel.dock="left" foreground="green" margin="4,6,0,0"></textblock> <stackpanel dockpanel.dock="right" orientation="horizontal" width="{binding editpanelwidth}" x:name="editdeletepanel" visibility="{binding buttonvisibilitytext }"> <button name="btnedit" content="edit" width="auto" dockpanel.dock="right" height="20" click="btnedit_click_1" margin="4,4,0,4" foreground="ghostwhite" verticalcontentalignment="top" visibility="{binding buttonvisibilitytext}"></button> <button name="btndelete" content="delete" width="auto" height="20" verticalcontentalignment="top" dockpanel.dock="right" visibility="{binding buttonvisibilitytext}" click="btndelete_click_1" margin="4"></button> </stackpanel> <stackpanel dockpanel.dock="right" orientation="horizontal" x:name="savecancelpanel" visibility="{binding cancelsaveenabletext}"> <button name="btnsave" content="save" width="auto" height="20" dockpanel.dock="right" click="btnsave_click_1" margin="4"></button> <button name="btncancel" content="cancel" height="20" width="auto" dockpanel.dock="right" click="btncancel_click_1" margin="4"></button> </stackpanel> </dockpanel> <dxe:textedit showborder="false" grid.row="1" name="txtcomment" width="auto" foreground="red" textwrapping="wrapwithoverflow" editvalue="{binding note}" isenabled="{binding iscommenttextenable}"> </dxe:textedit> <dxe:textedit text=".............." grid.row="2" showborder="false" isenabled="false"> </dxe:textedit> </grid> </datatemplate>
and here collection + commands want bind buttons ,
public icommand cancelcommand { { return _cancelcommand ?? (_cancelcommand = new commandhandler(cancel)); } set { _cancelcommand = value; } } public tlist<programnote> notescollection { { return _notes; } set { _notes = value; raisepropertychanged("notescollection"); } }
i know can use code bind commands button
<button command={binding cancelcommand}
but command not present in collection , new in mvvm , kindly , may missing little thing bind commands , confused how add commands in collection , can them in view
you can bind commands data template buttons etc finding appropriate viewmodel
<datatemplate x:key="listitemtemplate"> <button command="{binding datacontext.cancelcommand, relativesource={relativesource mode=findancestor, ancestortype=lixtbox}}" commandparameter="{binding}"> </datatemplate>
in example we'll find datacontext of lixtbox assume viewmodel bind command , pass current object command parameter perform actions on.
you'll receive item parameter in implementation of command
public void execute(object parameter) { programnote note = parameter programnote; //your logic here, eg cancelling download etc. }
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