parsing - Transform grammar into LL(1) -
i have following grammar:
start -> stm $ stm -> var = expr stm -> expr expr -> var var -> id var -> * expr
with first
and follow
first set follow set start id, * $ stm id, * $ expr id, * $, = var id, * $, =
i've created parsing table follows:
$ = id * $ start start → stm $ start → stm $ stm stm → var = expr stm → var = expr stm → expr stm → expr expr expr → var expr → var var var → id var → id var → * expr var → * expr
from here can see not ll(1)
how can modify grammar becomes ll(1)
if think sorts of strings can generated particular grammar, it's strings of 1 of following forms:
***....**id ***....**id = ***...**id
with in mind, can design ll(1) grammar language building new grammar language scratch. here's 1 way this:
start → statement $
statement → starredid optexpr
starredid → * starredid | id
optexpr → ε | = starredid
here, first sets given follows:
- first(start) = {*, id}
- first(statement) = {*, id}
- first(starredid) = {*, id}
first(optexpr) = {ε, *, id}
follow(statement) = {$}
- follow(starredid) = {=, $}
- follow(optexpr) = {$}
the parse table shown here:
* | id | = $ ---------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------+----------- start | statement$ | statement$ | | statement | starredid optexpr | starredid optexpr | | starredid | * starredid | id | | optexpr | | | = starredid | epsilon
so grammar ll(1).
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