ruby - How can I decrypt strings encrypted with the Java code? -

i not sure if can ask kind of question. if doesn't fit here, apologize.

i need decrypt data encrypted following java code. installed aes gem , struggled 2 hours couldn't it.

i know ruby java knowledge limited. other guy gave me code doesn't know ruby. need help. need decrypt function.

i changed key security reason.

import javax.crypto.cipher;          import javax.crypto.spec.secretkeyspec;           import org.apache.commons.codec.decoderexception;            import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.hex;           import sun.misc.base64decoder;           import sun.misc.base64encoder;             public class aestest {               private static string skeystring = "29c4e20e74dce74f44464e814529203a";           private static secretkeyspec skeyspec = null;             static {                 try {                skeyspec = new secretkeyspec(hex.decodehex(skeystring.tochararray()), "aes");         } catch (decoderexception e) {               e.printstacktrace();         }        }             public static string encode(string message) {                string result = "";           try {                cipher cipher = cipher.getinstance("aes");             cipher.init(cipher.encrypt_mode, skeyspec);             byte[] encrypted = cipher.dofinal(message.getbytes("utf-8"));             result =  (new base64encoder()).encode(encrypted);         } catch (exception e) {              e.printstacktrace();         }             return result;       }             public static string decode(string message){                 string result = "";          try {                cipher cipher = cipher.getinstance("aes");             cipher.init(cipher.decrypt_mode, skeyspec);             byte[] encrypted = (new base64decoder()).decodebuffer(message);             byte[] original = cipher.dofinal(encrypted);             result = new string(original,"utf-8");         } catch (exception e) {              e.printstacktrace();         }             return result;       }             public static void main(string[] args) {                 string message = "some test";            system.out.println("message : "+message);            string encodestring = encode(message);           system.out.println("encrypted string: " + encodestring);             string original = decode(encodestring);          system.out.println("original string: " + original);      }        }            



skeystring variable has hexadecimal key value.

to decode first need base64 decode byte array encrypted message. need hex decode key key's bytes. simple, every 2 characters in skeystring 1 byte. use aes decrypter decrypt message bytes key.


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