android - sending image via intent -

refer page permission part.

i have first app has following :

file imagepath = new file(getapplicationcontext().getfilesdir(), "images"); file newfile = new file(imagepath, "earth.jpg"); uri contenturi = fileprovider.geturiforfile(getapplicationcontext(),                         "", newfile);  getapplicationcontext().granturipermission("", contenturi, intent.flag_grant_read_uri_permission);  intent = new intent(); i.setaction(intent.action_send); i.putextra(intent.extra_stream, contenturi); i.settype("image/jpg"); startactivity(i); 

in manifest :

<provider         android:name=""         android:authorities=""         android:exported="false"         android:granturipermissions="true">          <meta-data             android:name=""             android:resource="@xml/paths"/>  </provider>  

in receiving app ( :

uri imageuri = (uri) intent.getparcelableextra(intent.extra_stream); if (imageuri != null){     imageview iv = (imageview) findviewbyid(;     iv.setimageuri(imageuri); } 

i following message in log in receiving app:

resolveuri failed on bad bitmap uri: content:// no such file or directory         @ android.database.databaseutils.readexceptionwithfilenotfoundexceptionfromparcel(         @ android.content.contentproviderproxy.opentypedassetfile(         @ android.content.contentresolver.opentypedassetfiledescriptor(         @ android.content.contentresolver.openassetfiledescriptor(         @ android.content.contentresolver.openinputstream(         @ android.widget.imageview.resolveuri(         @ android.widget.imageview.setimageuri( 

i testing using genymotion vm. push file 'earth.jpg' images folder using adb , can see there.

how resolve ?

the problem location of image. use files-path, 1 needs put files under files/ directory. images/ directory should have been under there, pushed file @ :



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