c++ - TinyXML issue with VC++ -

i collecting netstat information. program working when in tinyxml tag shows null while in console application same program runs successfully

char command[50];  tixmlelement* msg31 = new tixmlelement( "port" ); tixmlelement childtext0( "type" ); tixmlnode* childnode0; cstring stemp;  strcpy( command, "netstat -aon | findstr 3306" );  stemp.format(_t("%s"), system(command)); childtext0.value = "mysql_port" ;            childtext0.linkendchild(new tixmltext(getchararray(stemp))); childnode0 = msg31->insertendchild( childtext0 );                childtext0.clear(); net->linkendchild(msg31); 

this program runs sucessfully. problem in xml shows null value. output of xml below. problem code?

output of xml(you can see mysql_port null)

            <network>             <port>                 <mysql_port>(null)</mysql_port>             </port>         </network> 

the return value of system() int, more exit code of executed program, supposed 0 if program succeeds.

so, yes, null pointer there.

see this question on how output itself.


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