unity3d - Up-Down, Left-Right facing ratio shader -

a little basic question can't head around. need create shader works facing ratio shader containing up-down , left-right (in screen space).

just this:
just this

i want work without having original geometry, having normals, point position , camera position. how should approach this?

here's shader:

#pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #pragma fragmentoption arb_precision_hint_fastest #include "unitycg.cginc"  struct app2vert {     float4 position: position;     float3 normal: normal; };  struct vert2frag {     float4 position: position;     float3 normal: texcoord0; };  vert2frag vert(app2vert input) {     vert2frag output;     output.position = mul(unity_matrix_mvp, input.position);     output.normal = mul((float3x3)unity_matrix_it_mv, input.normal);     return output; }  float4 frag(vert2frag input) : color {     float3 normal = normalize(input.normal);     float4 output = fixed4(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, 1.0f);      return output; } 


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