objective c - iOS 8 Today Widget - SLComposeViewController not displaying properly -

i've created extension, in fact today widget, using xcode 6 , run on ios 8 beta device (i registered ios developer).

however, being new development, i've encountered issue slcomposeviewcontroller being 'stuck' inside view (shown below), deeming user unable interact , not able consequently post tweet.

image reference:

is there way fix , bring slcomposeviewcontroller front, in front of notification centre pane? appreciated.

edit: (yay, fixed "hello world" text)

2nd edit: here's slcomposeviewcontroller code:

- (ibaction)twittershare:(id)sender; {      if ([slcomposeviewcontroller isavailableforservicetype:slservicetypetwitter])     {         slcomposeviewcontroller *tweetsheet = [slcomposeviewcontroller                                                composeviewcontrollerforservicetype:slservicetypetwitter];         [self presentviewcontroller:tweetsheet animated:yes completion:nil];     }      else      {          uialertview *twitteralert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"uh oh!" message:@"ensure have setup valid twitter account and/or have allowed access twitter in application." delegate:nil cancelbuttontitle:@"dismiss" otherbuttontitles:nil, nil];           [twitteralert show];         twitteralert = nil;     }  } 

according apple's documentation slcomposeviewcontroller not allowed shown in nc. want requires keyboard entry happen in-app.


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