jquery - Replace standard javascript confirm with Twitter Bootstrap's modal - who triggered it? -

i'm trying replace standard javascript confirm twitter bootstrap modal window. working (the modal shown confirm text), i'm stuck trying catch caller href, need bind "ok" button.

here's code (almost working example: http://jsfiddle.net/k5udw/):

jquery.altconfirm = function (options) {     var box = '<div class="modal fade static" id="confirm" data-backdrop="static" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">';         box += '<div class="modal-dialog">';             box += '<div class="modal-content">';                 box += '<div class="modal-body"> </div>';                 box += '<div class="modal-footer">';                     box += '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">no</button>';                     box += '<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">ok</button>';                 box += '</div>';             box += '</div>';         box += '</div>';     box += '</div>';     $("body").append(box);      window.confirm = function () {         $(".modal-body").html( arguments[0].replace(/\n/, "<br />") );         $('.modal').modal();         $(".btn-default").on('click', function() {             $(this).modal('hide');         });         $(".btn-primary").on('click', function() {             return true; // need caller's href,                           // make proceed.                          // return true, obviously, nothing.         });     }; };  $(document).ready(function() {     $.altconfirm(); }); 

any hint? please note drop-in replacement standard javascript confirm, modifying way confirm called not possibility (if plugin active -> modal shown, if plugin not active -> standard confirm fired).

i've updated fiddle solution rewrites code on fly; useful solution if code generated framework , can't/don't want change framework's function writes it:


on document ready(), looks tags , if finds "confirm" call, update parameter passed in order store other informations (link open or action execute when ok pressed on modal); function overrides standard confirm(), returns false (to stop execution) , handle has done when user press ok on modal:

$(document).ready(function() {             console.log('loading done');              jquery.each($('body').find('a'), function(i, val) {                  var hrefattr = ($(val).attr('href'));                  $(val).attr('href', '');                  $(val).attr('onclick', function(index, value) {                     if (value != undefined) {                          var att = '-';                         if (hrefattr == '#') {                             att = $(this).attr('onclick');                             //att = att.match(/{ (.*) }/);                             att = att.substring(att.indexof('{') + 1, att.indexof('}'));                         }                         if (value.indexof("confirm('") >= 0) {                             return value.replace("confirm('", "confirm('" + hrefattr + '||| ' + att + '||| ');                         }                         if (value.indexof('confirm("') >= 0) {                             return value.replace('confirm("', 'confirm("' + hrefattr + '||| ' + att + '||| ');                         }                      }                 });             });               $.altconfirm();         }); 


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