How do I setup session replication in Sakai 10? -
the recent open apereo 14 conference had session distributed caching , session replication in sakai 10:
what steps need take sakai 10 allow session replication?
session replication part of sakai 10, turned off default. enable it, need:
- terracotta installed, configured, , running (version 3.7.6 required
- multiple tomcat servers behind load balancer
the following settings set (found here
# cluster caching (knl-1184) # warning: requires external distributed caching server # enable distributed caching # default: false #memory.cluster.enabled=true # urls of distributed cache servers #memory.cluster.server.urls.count=2 #memory.cluster.server.urls.1={cache_server_url_1}:9510 #memory.cluster.server.urls.2={cache_server_url_2}:9511 ## caches using distributed cache. ## session failover: org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.rebuildbreakdownservice.cache #memory.cluster.names.count=1 #memory.cluster.names.1=org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.rebuildbreakdownservice.cache ## cache properties below not set use default values # valid properties include: maxentries(int>0), timetoidle(int>0, seconds), timetolive(int>0, seconds), eternal(true|false) # defaults: maxentries=10000, timetoidle=600, timetolive=600, eternal=false # configure cluster caches using: memory.cluster.{cachename}.{property)={value} # session replication caching properties ## session replication settings ## warning: requires distribution mechanism of kind (currently requires distributed cache) ## notes: ## cache: org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.rebuildbreakdownservice.cache must set distributed cache (see memory.cluster) ## cache: org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.rebuildbreakdownservice.stash should configured last long ## user might need navigate jsf or other on-demand session tools after landing on new server # enable session cluster replication (see notes above) # default: false #session.cluster.replication=true ## performance tuning settings below - careful these numbers adjusting them downward can create heavy load # tuning setting, minimum seconds old session must before replicated # default: 20 #session.cluster.minsecsoldtostore=20 # tuning setting, minimum seconds must pass before session data updated (since last store) # note: events cause session data updated in store regardless of setting # default: 10 #session.cluster.minsecsbetweenstores=10 # tuning setting, minimum seconds after session has been rebuilt store before can updated in storage again # default: 30 #session.cluster.minsecsafterrebuild=30
note tools in sakai store items in session page state. jsf, wicket, , velocity definite examples. in cases, user sent tool's home, stay logged in, in current site, , in current tool.
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