spring - Initial data on JPA repositories -

i'm looking convenient way provide initial data application. i've implemented spring data jpa based project foundation of database related operation.


i've got entity role can assigned entity user. on clean application start provide directly default roles (e.g. admin, manager, etc).


i built random data factory :

public class randomdatafactory {      private static final string ungenerated_value_marker = "ungenerated_value_marker";      private static void randomlypopulatefields(object object) {         new randomvaluefieldpopulator().populate(object);     }      /**      * instantiates single object random data      */     public static <t> t getsingle(class<t> clazz) throws illegalaccessexception, instantiationexception {         t object = clazz.newinstance();         randomlypopulatefields(object);         return object;     }      /**      * returns unmodifiable list of specified type objects random data      *      * @param clazz     mypojo.class instantiated random data      * @param maxlength length of list returned      */     public static <t> list<t> getlist(class<t> clazz, int maxlength) throws illegalaccessexception, instantiationexception {         list<t> list = new arraylist<t>(maxlength);         (int = 0; < maxlength; i++) {             t object = clazz.newinstance();             randomlypopulatefields(object);             list.add(i, object);         }         return collections.unmodifiablelist(list);     }      /**      * returns unmodifiable list of specified type t objects random data      * <p>list length 3</p>      *      * @param clazz mypojo.class instantiated random data      */     public static <t> list<t> getlist(class<t> clazz) throws instantiationexception, illegalaccessexception {         return getlist(clazz, 3);     }      public static <t> t getprimitive(class<t> clazz) {         return (t) randomvaluefieldpopulator.generaterandomvalue(clazz);     }      public static <t> list<t> getprimitivelist(class<t> clazz) {         return getprimitivelist(clazz, 3);     }      public static <t> list<t> getprimitivelist(class<t> clazz, int length) {         list<t> randoms = new arraylist<t>(length);         (int = 0; < length; i++) {             randoms.add(getprimitive(clazz));         }         return randoms;     }      private static class randomvaluefieldpopulator {         public static object generaterandomvalue(class<?> fieldtype) {             random random = new random();               if (fieldtype.equals(string.class)) {                 return uuid.randomuuid().tostring();             } else if (date.class.isassignablefrom(fieldtype)) {                 return new date(system.currenttimemillis() - random.nextint());             } else if (localdate.class.isassignablefrom(fieldtype)) {                 date date = new date(system.currenttimemillis() - random.nextint());                 return new localdate(date);             } else if (fieldtype.equals(character.class) || fieldtype.equals(character.type)) {                 return (char) (random.nextint(26) + 'a');             } else if (fieldtype.equals(integer.type) || fieldtype.equals(integer.class)) {                 return random.nextint();             } else if (fieldtype.equals(short.type) || fieldtype.equals(short.class)) {                 return (short) random.nextint();             } else if (fieldtype.equals(long.type) || fieldtype.equals(long.class)) {                 return random.nextlong();             } else if (fieldtype.equals(float.type) || fieldtype.equals(float.class)) {                 return random.nextfloat();             } else if (fieldtype.equals(double.type)) {                 return random.nextint(); //if double used, jsonpath uses bigdecimal convert             } else if (fieldtype.equals(double.class)) {                 return random.nextdouble(); //if double used, jsonpath uses bigdecimal convert             } else if (fieldtype.equals(boolean.type) || fieldtype.equals(boolean.class)) {                 return random.nextboolean();             } else if (fieldtype.equals(bigdecimal.class)) {                 return new bigdecimal(random.nextfloat());             } else if (enum.class.isassignablefrom(fieldtype)) {                 object[] enumvalues = fieldtype.getenumconstants();                 return enumvalues[random.nextint(enumvalues.length)];             } else if (number.class.isassignablefrom(fieldtype)) {                 return random.nextint(byte.max_value) + 1;             } else {                 return ungenerated_value_marker;             }          public void populate(object object) {             reflectionutils.dowithfields(object.getclass(), new randomvaluefieldsettercallback(object));         }          private static class randomvaluefieldsettercallback implements reflectionutils.fieldcallback {             private final object targetobject;              public randomvaluefieldsettercallback(object targetobject) {                 this.targetobject = targetobject;             }              @override             public void dowith(field field) throws illegalaccessexception {                 class<?> fieldtype = field.gettype();                 if (!modifier.isfinal(field.getmodifiers())) {                     object value = generaterandomvalue(fieldtype);                     if (!value.equals(ungenerated_value_marker)) {                         reflectionutils.makeaccessible(field);                         field.set(targetobject, value);                     }                 }             }         }     } } 


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