Saving bitmap to SdCard Android -

i writng code convert png file bmp , save on sdcard. current code.

    fileinputstream in;     bufferedinputstream buf;     try {         in = new  fileinputstream("file_path_to_read.png");         buf = new bufferedinputstream(in);         byte[] bmaparray= new byte[buf.available()];;         bitmap bmap = bitmapfactory.decodebytearray(bmaparray, 0, bmaparray.length);          //code segment save on file         int numbytesbyrow = bmap.getrowbytes() * bmap.getheight();         bytebuffer bytebuffer = bytebuffer.allocate(numbytesbyrow);         bmap.copypixelstobuffer(bytebuffer);         byte[] bytes = bytebuffer.array();          fileoutputstream fileouputstream = new fileoutputstream("file_path_to_save.bmp");         fileouputstream.write(bytes);         fileouputstream.close();           if (in != null) {         in.close();         }         if (buf != null) {         buf.close();         }       } catch (exception e) {      } 

i having problem in saving bmap sdcard. examples found use bmap.compress(). using method can't save bmp. can give example on how save bitmap on sdcard?

edit: can save file .bmp sdcard. won't original size. sugguestions on converting png bmp?

file root = new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory()                     + file.separator + "my_folder" + file.separator);     root.mkdirs();     file myfile = new file(root, "abc.jpg");     bitmap bitmap = decodefile(myfile, 800, 600);     outputstream out = null;     file file = new file(mediastoragedir.getabsolutefile() + "/def.jpg");     try {         out = new fileoutputstream(file);         bitmap .compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 80, out);         out.flush();         out.close();         bitmap.recycle();     } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } catch (ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }  public static bitmap decodefile(file f, int width, int hight) {     try {         // decode image size         bitmapfactory.options o = new bitmapfactory.options();         o.injustdecodebounds = true;         bitmapfactory.decodestream(new fileinputstream(f), null, o);          // new size want scale         final int required_width = width;         final int required_hight = hight;         // find correct scale value. should power of 2.         int scale = 2;         while (o.outwidth / scale / 2 >= required_width                 && o.outheight / scale / 2 >= required_hight)                 scale *= 2;          // decode insamplesize         bitmapfactory.options o2 = new bitmapfactory.options();         o2.insamplesize = scale;         return bitmapfactory.decodestream(new fileinputstream(f), null, o2);     } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {     } return null; } 


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