matlab - Autoscale DICOM images in "implay" -

i have series of dicom files i'm displaying through implay i'm not sure how use autoscaling syntax video doesn't whitewashed. imshow or imtool "imtool(i,'displayrange',[])" how can same implay?

d = dir('*.dcm'); basefilenames = {}; numberoffiles = length(basefilenames); k = 1:numberoffiles     fullfilename = basefilenames{k};     imarray(:,:,k) = dicomread(fullfilename); end implay(imarray) 

i don't think there autoscaler implay.

if data type double, should scale manually images between [0 1] - expected image processing toolbox functions. there various functions imadjust used purpose chances can apply same factor entire image stack. if don't want modify imarray because need original dicom values later, can in implay line:


(will more complex if have negative values in dicom, of course).


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