c# - How can I configure entity framework to use a different connection string depending on its environment? -

my company uses different databases depending on stage of development project in. i'm trying push adoption of entity framework + linq have hit stumbling block when asked how work across our multiple environments.

they under impression have manually changed each environment , take forever deploy.

how configure ef database-first use different connection on dev, test, , production servers?

can set sort of variable? there option missed?

edit: possible duplicate of managing debug , release connection string

you can specify connection string application uses using app.config or web.config file, depending on type of project you're using.

read great documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj592674

for database-first application using ef, here's sample app.config:

<configuration>     <connectionstrings>       <add name="northwind_entities"            connectionstring="metadata=res://*/northwind.csdl|                                       res://*/northwind.ssdl|                                       res://*/northwind.msl;                              provider=system.data.sqlclient;                              provider connection string=                                  &quot;data source=.\sqlexpress;                                        initial catalog=northwind;                                        integrated security=true;                                        multipleactiveresultsets=true&quot;"            providername="system.data.entityclient"/>     </connectionstrings>   </configuration> 

you can use different app.config during debug , release (here's instructions http://mitasoft.wordpress.com/2011/09/28/multipleappconfig/), makes easy ef pick different config in different environments.


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