PowerShell Path Parameter Invoke-Command (UnauthorizedAccessException) -

when running simple script receiving error message:

+ categoryinfo : openerror: (:) [import-csv], unauthorizedaccessexception

+ fullyqualifiederrorid : fileopenfailure,microsoft.powershell.commands.importcsvcommand

param( [string]$path, [string]$credential   )  invoke-command –cn dc –credential $credential -argumentlist $path –scriptblock ` {import-csv -path $args[0] | select-object –property ` @{name='identity';expression={$_.username}},@{name='fax';expression={$_.'fax number'}} ` | foreach{set-aduser -identity $_.identity -fax $_.fax -confirm:$false}} 

any idea why may happening? have correct permissions the path using.

i found issue , because not including csv file in path. pointing c:\files\csv instead of c:\files\csv\fax-users.csv.


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