c++ - Qt qml - how to use component in its definition? -
i have implement treeview
in qml
. because each subtree treeview
itself, want use treeview
component in treeview
definition (this repeater
on end).
this part of code reference component defining.
you can see rootdelegate
of component
problem qt gives error unable assign qquickrow qqmlcomponent
repeater { model: childrens delegate: rootdelegate }
import qtquick 2.0 component { id: rootdelegate column { row { id: itemcontrol spacing: 2 rectangle { anchors.verticalcenter: parent.verticalcenter gradient: gradient { gradientstop { position: 0.0; color: "#eeeeee" } gradientstop { position: 1.0; color: "#404040" } } width: openchar.implicitwidth height: openchar.implicitheight - 6 radius: 3 mousearea { anchors.fill: parent cursorshape: qt.pointinghandcursor } text { id: openchar text: "+" color: "black" anchors.centerin: parent } } rectangle { height: 1 color: "#a0a0a0" width: 10 anchors.verticalcenter: parent.verticalcenter } text { text: model.text color: "white" } } repeater { model: childrens delegate: rootdelegate } } }
you trying use Сomponent recursively in itself, not allowed in qml
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