vb.net - Data Access Layer Populate Combobox With Parameters -

i using vb.net (visual studio 2013) , n-tier architecture populate combo box list. code class below

    public shared function list() list(of appname.businesslogic.bll_rmcodecomboclass)     dim dbo_rmcodelist new list(of appname.businesslogic.bll_rmcodecomboclass)     dim conntemp sqlconnection = appclass.getconnection     dim strselectsql string = "select [rmcode] [dbo].[rmmaster] [dbo].[rmmaster].[category] = '" & strrmtype & "'"     dim strcommandselect new sqlcommand(strselectsql, conntemp)     try         conntemp.open()         dim rdrtemp sqldatareader = strcommandselect.executereader()         dim clsdbo_rmcodelist appname.businesslogic.bll_rmcodecomboclass         while rdrtemp.read             clsdbo_rmcodelist = new businesslogic.bll_rmcodecomboclass             clsdbo_rmcodelist.rmcode = system.convert.tostring(rdrtemp("rmcode").tostring)             dbo_rmcodelist.add(clsdbo_rmcodelist)         loop         rdrtemp.close()     catch ex sqlexception         throw ex             conntemp.close()     end try     return dbo_rmcodelist end function 

my objective retrieve or populate combobox rmcodes depending upon type. hence have used strselectsql accordingly. please me pass value of category function becomes dynamic. value of type selected combo box on presentation/ui layer , such code field should populated according category chosen.

thanks in advance cl


private function list(type string) list(of thing)     '...      dim command new sqlcommand("select * mytable @type null or type = @type")      command.parameters.add("@type",                            sqldbtype.nvarchar,                            50).value = if(string.isnullorempty(type),                                           cobj(dbnull.value),                                           type)      '... end function 

that makes filter optional. if pass in nothing or empty string sql parameter null , every record matches, otherwise result set filtered value pass in.


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