python 2.7 - How to get all legends from a plot? -

i have plot 2 or more legends. how can "get" legends change (for example) color , linestyle in legend?

handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() gives me "first" legend, added plot plt.legend(). want others legends too, added plt.gca().add_artist(leg2) how can that?

you can children axes , filter on legend type with:

legends = [c c in ax.get_children() if isinstance(c, mpl.legend.legend)] 

but work @ all? if add more legends mention, see multiple legend children, pointing same object.


the axes keeps last legend added, if add previous .add_artist(), see multiple different legends:

for example:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()  l1, = ax.plot(x,y, 'k', label='l1') leg1 = plt.legend([l1],['l1'])  l2, = ax.plot(x,y, 'k', label='l2') leg2 = plt.legend([l2],['l2'])  ax.add_artist(leg1)  print(ax.get_children()) 

returns these objects:

[<matplotlib.axis.xaxis @ 0xd0e6eb8>,  <matplotlib.axis.yaxis @ 0xd0ff7b8>,  <matplotlib.lines.line2d @ 0xd0f73c8>,  <matplotlib.lines.line2d @ 0xd5c1a58>,  <matplotlib.legend.legend @ 0xd5c1860>,  <matplotlib.legend.legend @ 0xd5c4b70>,  <matplotlib.text.text @ 0xd5b1dd8>,  <matplotlib.text.text @ 0xd5b1e10>,  <matplotlib.text.text @ 0xd5b1e48>,  <matplotlib.patches.rectangle @ 0xd5b1e80>,  <matplotlib.spines.spine @ 0xd0e6da0>,  <matplotlib.spines.spine @ 0xd0e6ba8>,  <matplotlib.spines.spine @ 0xd0e6208>,  <matplotlib.spines.spine @ 0xd0f10f0>] 

it remains seen whether want do!? can store lines (or other types) separately axes.


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