c# - GridView still being refreshed when not in UpdatePanel -

problem , description:

i have gridview programmatically added dropdownlists on rowdatabound every cell.

the dropdownlists have data sources.

when press 'save' button, meant read selecteditems in dropdownlists , save them database.

however, when click on button, causes postback , deletes of controls in gridview , therefore, none of them can found in button_click event.

after asking questions before , trying different techniques try store dropdownlists in cache/session state etc, can't seem able keep dropdownlists or data when click button.

therefore, trying add updatepanel , use ajax try stop refresh of gridview.

my attempt such:

                         <asp:gridview id="gv_rota" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="false"  onrowdatabound="gv_rota_rowdatabound">                                     <headerstyle backcolor="#6a3d98" forecolor="white" height="20" />                                     <rowstyle horizontalalign="center" height="20px" width="100px" />                                     <alternatingrowstyle height="20px" />                                 </asp:gridview>                             </div>                              <asp:label id="lbl_nameofrota" runat="server" text="new rota name:"></asp:label>                             <input runat="server" id="txt_rotaname" />                              <asp:updatepanel runat="server" id="rotaupdatepanel">                                 <contenttemplate>                             <asp:button id="btn_addrota" runat="server" text="add" onclick="btn_addrota_click" cssclass="buttonadminpage" />                                     </contenttemplate>                             </asp:updatepanel> 

as can see, placed updatepanel around button only, however, still seemed refresh gridview , delete controls.


firstly, why did attempt not work?

secondly, how can around problem using ajax , update panels, or there method me need? (baring in mind, if else suggested, i've tried it).

edit 2:

supplied code:

this when bind dropdownlists:

 protected void gv_rota_rowdatabound(object sender, gridviewroweventargs e)     {         (int = 1; <= columncount; i++)         {             if (e.row.rowtype == datacontrolrowtype.datarow)             {                 int day = e.row.rowindex;                 day += 1;                 ddlshift = new dropdownlist();                 ddlshift.id = "ddlshift" + "wk" + i.tostring() + "day" + day.tostring();                 ddlshift.datasource = dclistofshifts;                 ddlshift.datavaluefield = "shift_id";                 ddlshift.datatextfield = "shift_name";                 ddlshift.attributes.add("place", i.tostring());                 ddlshift.databind();                 ddlshift.items.insert(0, new listitem("shift..."));                 ddlshift.cssclass = "ddl_rotamanager";                 e.row.cells[i].controls.add(ddlshift);             }         }               } 

this when create gridview dependant on amount of columns passed:

 private void bindgrid(int amount)     {             gv_rota.datasource = null;             gv_rota.columns.clear();          boundfield bfield = new boundfield();         bfield.headertext = "days";         bfield.datafield = "days";         gv_rota.columns.add(bfield);          (int = 0; < amount; i++)         {             int week = + 1;             string sweek = "week " + week.tostring();              templatefield tfield = new templatefield();             tfield.headertext = sweek;             gv_rota.columns.add(tfield);         }          datatable dt = new datatable();         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("days", typeof(string)));         dt.rows.add("m");         dt.rows.add("t");         dt.rows.add("w");         dt.rows.add("t");         dt.rows.add("f");         dt.rows.add("s");         dt.rows.add("s");         gv_rota.datasource = dt;         gv_rota.databind();      } 

this selected amount of columns , call method create gridview, store amount in cache:

protected void ddl_rotaamountofweeks_selectedindexchanged(object sender, eventargs e)     {         if (ispostback)         {             int amount;             int.tryparse(ddl_rotaamountofweeks.selecteditem.tostring(), out amount);              columncount = amount;              cache.add("columncount", columncount, null, cache.noabsoluteexpiration, new timespan(0, 60, 0), cacheitempriority.default, null);              bindgrid(amount);         }     } 

button code:

 protected void btn_addrota_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         //my first attempt @ trying save gridview, realising cache'd gridview before selecting items.         //gv_rota = (gridview)cache["cachegridview"];          //set of size of array amount of rows * colums          //this maximum amount of events added         int arraysize = gv_rota.rows.count * (int)cache["columncount"];          //the current array item being added         int arrayitem = 0;          //finally array of rota_events pass wcf         wspersonnel.dc_wfm_rota_events[] arrayofrotaevents = new wspersonnel.dc_wfm_rota_events[arraysize];           foreach (gridviewrow row in gv_rota.rows)         {             (int = 1; <= (int)cache["columncount"]; i++)             {                 int day = row.rowindex;                 day += 1;                 dropdownlist ddl1 = (dropdownlist)gv_rota.rows[row.rowindex].cells[i].findcontrol("ddlshiftwk" + i.tostring() + "day" + day.tostring());                  wspersonnel.dc_wfm_rota_events dcevent = new wspersonnel.dc_wfm_rota_events                 {                     shift_id = ddl1.selecteditem.value,                     week = i,                     weekspecified = true,                     day = day,                     dayspecified = true,                 };                 arrayofrotaevents[arrayitem++] = dcevent;             }         }          wsp.addrota(new wspersonnel.dc_wfm_rota         {             rota_name = txt_rotaname.value,             period_type = 1,             period_typespecified = true,             period_amount = columncount,             period_amountspecified = true,             rota_events = arrayofrotaevents         });     } 

example of gridview looks like:

enter image description here

if want stop postback on button click inside update panel can try this

<asp:updatepanel runat="server" id="rotaupdatepanel" updatemode="conditional">    <contenttemplate>     <asp:button id="btn_addrota" runat="server" text="add" onclick="btn_addrota_click" cssclass="buttonadminpage" clientidmode="autoid"/>    </contenttemplate>    <triggers>      <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="btn_addrota" eventname="click" />    </triggers> </asp:updatepanel> 


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