playframework - Install postgresql with play! framework (Driver not found: [org.postgresql.Driver]) -

i'm new play! framework , postgresql , i'm trying make work.

i read lot of questions asked on stackoverflow , searched lot on google didn't manage make work.

here error play! gives me :

driver not found: [org.postgresql.driver]  

my questions :

1) know easy tutorial (i.e. explains beginning) shows how configure play! make postgresql work? read lot of thing didn't find detailed tutorial.

2) if not, here configuration :

i added in application.conf :

db.default.driver=org.postgresql.driver db.default.url="jdbc:postgresql://" db.default.user=postgres db.default.password=root 

and in built.sbt :

librarydependencies ++= seq(   jdbc,   anorm,   cache, )   

what doing wrong?

as documenation says, have add driver dependencies:

librarydependencies += "postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.1-901-1.jdbc4" 

use appropriate version of driver postgres installation.


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