c# - Empty database table -

i want insert values in "navn" row , "varenr" row in db table, when i'm clicking on button. have following code:

 private void button2_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {          using (sqlconnection cn = new sqlconnection(@"data source=(localdb)\v11.0;attachdbfilename=|datadirectory|\produkt.mdf;integrated security=true"))         {             try             {              sqlcommand cm = new sqlcommand();             cm.connection = cn;             string col1 = textbox2.text;             string col2 = textbox3.text;              //generate sql statement             cm.commandtext = "insert produkttable (navn,varenr) values (@col1,@col2)";             //add sqlparameters             sqlparameter sp_add_col1 = new sqlparameter();             sp_add_col1.parametername = "@col1";             //data type in sqlserver             sp_add_col1.sqldbtype = sqldbtype.nvarchar;             //if data type not number,this property must set             //sp_add_col1.size = 20;             sp_add_col1.value = textbox2.text;             //add parameter collections             cm.parameters.add(sp_add_col1);             //in insert statement, there how many parameter, must write number of parameter             sqlparameter sp_add_col2 = new sqlparameter();             sp_add_col2.parametername = "@col2";             //data type in sqlserver             sp_add_col2.sqldbtype = sqldbtype.nvarchar;             //if data type not number,this property must set             //sp_add_col2.size = 20;             sp_add_col2.value = textbox2.text;             //add parameter collections             cm.parameters.add(sp_add_col2);              //open db execute sql             cn.open();             cm.executenonquery();             cn.close();                 }             catch (exception ex)             {                 messagebox.show("error\n" + ex.message, "error", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.error);             }                         }     } 

but unfortunately, data table still empty:

enter image description here

i have set breakpoint on executenonquery function, , triggered, when pressing on button:

enter image description here

my table definition:

enter image description here

your connection string causing this:

data source=(localdb)\v11.0;attachdbfilename=|datadirectory|\produkt.mdf;integrated security=true" 

|datadirectory| database being updated in method in app data directory while 1 trying retrieve data in project folder...

|datadirectory| substitution string indicates path database. datadirectory makes easy share project , deploy application. pc app data directory is:


if browse location , go following folders


you able find particular application directory stored assembly name, or hash when go there find database there being updated fine. connection string best deployment.

you can try this:

enter image description here

if notice server explorer detecting databases on pc , can notice there couple of mindmuscle.mdf files @ different paths, because there 1 file in debug directory, 1 in project directory, 1 in app data directory. ones starting numbers stored in app data directories... if select respective database file , run select query against it, data.

i made tutorial time ago. may you:


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