regex - Remove unwanted characters from URL -

i have used getrouteurl create seo friendly urls want remove %20 ie spaces , replace dash ("-"). example page website shown below. want title variable "madonna-item" , not "madonna%20item".


i have create class (stringhelpers) fix url don't know call fixurl

public static class stringhelpers  {  public static string fixurl(this string url)     {         string encodedurl = (url ?? "").tolower();          encodedurl = regex.replace(encodedurl, @"\+", "and");          encodedurl = encodedurl.replace("'", "");          encodedurl = regex.replace(encodedurl, @"[^a-z0-9]", "-");          return encodedurl;     }    


the code contains link update below. want use fixurl on title field, not work.

please can advise me how use fixurl?

<td class="product_title" height="20px" width="180px"> <a href='<%#: getrouteurl("productextraroute", new {categoryid = eval("catid"), productid = eval("productid"), departmentid = eval("depid"), title = eval("title")}).fixurl()%>' class="product"> <asp:literal id="literal2" runat="server" text='<%# eval(("title").fixurl()) %>'></asp:literal> 

try decodeuricomponent check

after replace speces -


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