php - Undefined variable not allowing me to insert file into database table column -

i'm uploading audio files directory , storing file name info in database. have done successfully.

next wanted create default image each audio file, use php add audio files title image , tack on unique id file name. have done successfully. learned following tutorial.

example image:

enter image description here

the problem i'm having getting audio files image insert database column on upload. here database image. need file name of newly created audio image go rt_file column. can echo out later.

enter image description here

i hoping on i'm going wrong.

the current error is: undefined variable: rt_file. don't understand why...? not define have defined above insert statement this:

$rt_file = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', "../ringtones/rtimage/".($ringtone_image[0]['ring_name'])."-".substr(md5(microtime()),rand(0,26),5).".jpg"); 

i hate post code know it's frowned upon, apologize in advance, i'm not sure problem lies.

if has time through great, if not totally understand.

here code:

<?php include_once($_server['document_root'] . "/core/database.php");   $ringdir= "../ringtones/";  if(!is_dir($ringdir)){      mkdir('../ringtones/', 0775); }    .    if (isset($_files['file'])) {      if (empty($_files['file']['name'])) {              ?> <div class="add-errors">please add audio file!</div> <?php       }   else {          $name       =   $_files['file']['name'];         $filename   =   preg_replace("/\.[^.]+$/", "", $name);         $temp       =   $_files['file']['tmp_name'];         $type       =   $_files['file']['type'];         $size       =   $_files['file']['size'];         $ext        =   strtolower(end(explode('.', $name)));    $upload   =   substr(md5(microtime()),rand(0,26),5);          // restrictions uploading         $allowed    =   array(         'audio/mp3',         'audio/mp4',         'audio/mpeg',         'audio/ogg',         'audio/opus',         'audio/webm');          // recognizing extension         switch($type){              case 'audio/mp3':                     $ext= '.mp3';             break;              case 'audio/mp4':                     $ext= '.mp4';             break;              case 'audio/mpeg':                     $ext= '.mpeg';             break;              case 'audio/ogg':                     $ext= '.ogg';             break;              case 'audio/opus':                     $ext= '.opus';             break;              case 'audio/webm':                     $ext= '.webm';             break;          }          // upload variables         $ring_path      =   $ringdir.$filename."-".$upload.$ext;              // check if extension allowed.         if (in_array($type, $allowed)) {              // checking size of audio file.                 if ($size <= 5242880) {                          // move original file aswell.                         move_uploaded_file($temp, $ring_path);    /*#############this i'm adding text default image########### ################################################################################*/  // link font file no server $fontname = '../fonts/roboto-regular.ttf'; // controls spacing between text $i=30; //jpg image quality 0-100 $quality = 100;  function create_image($ringtone_image){          global $fontname;            global $quality;         $rt_file = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', "../ringtones/rtimage/".($ringtone_image[0]['ring_name'])."-".substr(md5(microtime()),rand(0,26),5).".jpg");         //if file exists dont create again serve original        if (!file_exists($rt_file)) {        }              // define base image lay our text on             $im = imagecreatefromjpeg("../ringtones/ringtone-image.jpg");              // setup text colours             $color['white'] = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);              // defines starting height text block             $height = 50;             $y = imagesy($im) - $height;          // loop through array , write text             foreach ($ringtone_image $value){             // center text in our image - returns x value             $x = center_text($value['ring_name'], $value['font-size']);              imagettftext($im, $value['font-size'], 0, $x, $y, $color[$value['color']], $fontname,$value['ring_name']);             // add 32px line height next text block             //$i = $i+32;             }             // create image             imagejpeg($im, $rt_file, $quality);      //}          return $rt_file;     }  function center_text($string, $font_size){              global $fontname;              $image_width = 550;             $dimensions = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $fontname, $string);              return ceil(($image_width - $dimensions[4]) / 2);                }        $ringtone_image = array(          array(             'ring_name'=> 'add ringtone title',              'font-size'=>'16',             'color'=>'white'),      );        $ringtone_image = array(          array(             'ring_name'=> $_post['ring_name'],              'font-size'=>'16',             'color'=>'white'),       );          // run script create image $filename = create_image($ringtone_image);  /*#############end text default image########### ###################################################*/                           try {                              $ring_id            =   input::get('ring_id');                             $creation           =   date('y-m-d h:i:s');                             $ring_name          =   input::get('ring_name');                             $category           =   input::get('category_id');                             $ring_path          =   $ring_path;                             $rt_file            =   $rt_file;                                  $insertdata = db::getinstance()->insert('ringtones', array(                                 'ring_id'            => $ring_id,                                 'creation'           => $creation,                                 'ring_name'          => $ring_name,                                 'category_id'        => $category,                                 'ring_path'          => str_replace("../ringtones/", "", $ring_path),                                 'rt_file'           => str_replace("../ringtones/rtimages/", "", $rt_file),                             ));                               if(!$insertdata) {                                  ?> <div class="add-errors">there problem uploading ringtone!</div> <?php                               } else {                                  ?> <div class="add-message">your ringtone has been uploaded! <a href="add-ringtone.php">add another</a> or <a href="../index.php">return home</a> </div> <?php                              }                          } catch(exception $e) {                             ?> <div class="add-errors">         <?php die($e->getmessage()); ?> </div> <?php                          }                  } else {                     ?> <div class="add-errors">your ringtone size big!</div> <?php                 }              }           else {             ?> <div class="add-errors">your have uploaded forbidden extension!</div> <?php  }  }  }  ?> <section>         <h1>audio upload</h1>         <p>use form below upload new ringtone</p>         <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">                 <label for="ring_name">ringtone title</label>                 <input type="text" name="ring_name" maxlength="42" placeholder="give field title">                 <label for="category_id">choose category</label>                 <select name="category_id">                         <option value="">please choose</option>                         <option value="1">option 1</option>                         <option value="2">option 2</option>                         <option value="3">option 3</option>                         <option value="4">option 4</option>                         <option value="5">option 5</option>                         <option value="6">option 6</option>                 </select>                 <label for="file">ringtone</label>                 <input type="file" name="image" >                 <p id="size">maximum file size of 5mb</p>                 <input type="submit" value="upload">         </form> </section> 

try this:

$rt_file = null; // here we're initiate variable null avoid undefined var problem  function create_image($ringtone_image) {     global $rt_file; // here we're accessing global variable use inside function     // rest part } 


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