xml and include and then xslt 2.0 -

i have 3 xml files, need xslt 2.0 1 file. parts of same book chapter. can have xslt see them 1 file ? (eg. include?). easier write xslt template trick.

xml has inclusion mechanisms external entities e.g.

<!doctype root [   <!entity chapter11 system "chapter1-1.xml">   <!entity chapter12 system "chapter1-2.xml">   <!entity chapter13 system "chapter1-3.xml"> ]> <root>   <chapter>     &chapter11;     &chapter12;     &chapter13;   </chapter> </root> 

or xinclude. depends on xml parser use or can plug chain of tools use xslt processor.

within xslt can of course e.g.

<xsl:template match="/">   <xsl:apply-templates select="(doc('chapter1-1.xml'), doc('chapter1-2.xml'), doc('chapter1-3.xml')//p"/> </xsl:template> 

without need have xml parser support inclusion mechanism.


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