Rails Masonry GEM issues with Bootstrap Tab-pane -

i'm using bootstrap tab-pane inside of rails application. inside of each tab want use masonry gem. however, items stacking on top of eachother.

.container   %ul.nav.nav-tabs     - if @project.user == current_user       %li         %a{href: new_project_room_path(@project)} <i class='fa fa-plus-circle'></i> add room     - @rooms.each |room|       %li         %a{"data-toggle" => "tab", href: "##{dom_id(room)}"}= room.title     .tab-content      - @rooms.each |room|       .tab-pane{id: dom_id(room)}         .container-fluid.page.page-block           .masonry-container.centered.transitions-enabled.infinite-scroll.clearfix             - room.products.each |product|               .box.col3                 = product.title 

if resize page, display side side, way want them to. how can display time?

also fyi, when use similar code not inside of tab-pane, works fine.

.container-fluid.page.page-block   .masonry-container.centered.transitions-enabled.infinite-scroll.clearfix     - if current_user.is_designer?       = link_to new_project_path         .box.col3.create_projects_well#add_project           %span.text-center#create_project             %i.fa.fa-plus-circle.fa-3x             %br             add project      - @projects.each |project|       .box.col3         - if project.image_url != nil           = link_to(image_tag(project.image_url, class: "img-responsive opaq"), user_project_path(project.user, project))         - else           = link_to(image_tag("150.png", class: "img-responsive opaq"), user_project_path(project.user, project)) 

try removing fluid.

.container.page.page-block   .masonry-container.centered.transitions-enabled.infinite-scroll.clearfix     - if current_user.is_designer?       = link_to new_project_path         .box.col3.create_projects_well#add_project           %span.text-center#create_project             %i.fa.fa-plus-circle.fa-3x             %br             add project 

according bootstrap fluid grid documentation, "nesting fluid grids bit different: number of nested columns doesn't need match parent. instead, columns reset @ each level because each row takes 100% of parent column."


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