gradle - Method must be overridden in [proguard.optimize.peephole.ClassMerger] if ever called” in Android Studio -

seen @ least 2 similar questions, both considering eclipse non gradle builds.

i'm trying assemble release gradle using:

./gradlew myapp:assemblerelease --stacktrace 

besides newest google proguard example proguard.txt contains:

# butterknife -keep class *$$viewinjector{} -dontwarn butterknife.views$injectviewprocessor -dontwarn butterknife.internal.**  #jodatime -dontwarn org.joda.time.**  #apache -dontnote org.apache.** -dontwarn org.apache.** 

this seemed remove warnings struggling mysterious

caused by: java.lang.unsupportedoperationexception: method must overridden in [proguard.optimize.peephole.classmerger] if ever called 

...and have no clue means.

i had same issue , never discovered root of issue. did find if add rule skip optimization in proguard file stops build error happening.



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