javascript - HighChart flags Data load issues -
i working on drawing graphs our data. there no problem on drawing graph basically. problem flags information not loaded , located on graph lines. let me give issues on it.
- data cannot brought graph if has on 900 numbers of items.
- one data might have more 4000 items.
- instead using 1 big data, tried spilt 1 data small pieces of data. each piece of data has 800 items, , intended being loaded on graph sequentially. however, process not done well. sometime graph module cannot load every piece exactly. moreover, process take time using 1 data.
i wonder whether appropriate way load flag data contains many items exits or not.
$(function() { var report_data; $.ajax({ type: "post", url:"/apps.chart/chart.reportshort", data:"callback=?&report_type=co&business_code=005930", datatype:"json", success:function(report){ report_data = report; } }); $.getjson('/apps.chart/chart.chartlist?callback=?&report_type=co&business_code=005930', function(data) { // create chart $('#chartview').highcharts('stockchart', { chart: { plotbordercolor: '#346691', plotborderwidth: 2, height: 600 }, rangeselector : { inputenabled: $('#chartview').width() > 400, selected : 1 }, title : { text : 'sk' }, tooltip: { type: 'datetime', datetimelabelformats: { day: '%y년 %m월 %d일' }, style: { width: '300px' }, valuedecimals: 0 }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', datetimelabelformats: { day: '%m.%d', week: '%m.%d', month: '%y.%m', year: '%y' } }, yaxis : { labels : { formatter : function() { var n = this.value; var reg = /(^[+-]?\d+)(\d{3})/; n += ''; while (reg.test(n)) n = n.replace(reg, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); return n; }, align : 'left', x : 5, y : 2 }, maxpadding: 0.2, minpadding: 0, minortickinterval: 'auto', title : { text : '금액(원)', } }, series : [{ name : '종가', data : data, id : 'dataseries', marker : { enabled : true, radius : 3 }, shadow : true, tooltip : { valuedecimals : 0 } } // event marker flags ,{ type : 'flags', data : report_data, style: { cursor: 'hand' }, onseries : 'dataseries', shape : 'circlepin', width : 15, height : 15, color : '#121212' } ] }); }); });
probably problem call 2 ajax asynchronously, advice next ajax insiae first callback , initialise chart.
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