c# - async await usage with TcpClient -

i started using new c#5.0 "async" , "await" keywords. thought got twist realized 1 thing made me doubt. here's how asynchronously receiving data remote tcpclient. once accept connection call function :

static async void readasync(tcpclient client) {     networkstream ns = client.getstream();     memorystream ms = new memorystream();     byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];      while(client.connected)     {         int bytesread = await ns.readasync(buffer, 0, buffer.length);         ms.write(buffer, 0, bytesread);         if (!ns.dataavailable)         {             handlemessage(ms.toarray());             ms.seek(0, seekorigin.begin);         }     } } 

after data received, loop goes on , on without reading anything. tested console.writeline in loop. using correctly? feel should not using while loop...

the tcpclient.connected value not updated immediately. according msdn:

true if client socket connected remote resource of most recent operation; otherwise, false.

so having tcpclient.connected while loop condition not choice.

tcpclient.dataavailable used synchronous operations , not used asynchronous.

update code to:

static async void readasync(tcpclient client) {     networkstream ns = client.getstream();     memorystream ms = new memorystream();     byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];      while(true) {         int bytesread = await ns.readasync(buffer, 0, buffer.length);         if (bytesread <= 0)             break;         ms.write(buffer, 0, bytesread);         handlemessage(ms.toarray());         ms.seek(0, seekorigin.begin);     } } 

when readasync return 0, means tcp connection closing or closed. in msdn:

the value of tresult parameter contains total number of bytes read buffer. result value can less number of bytes requested if number of bytes available less requested number, or can 0 (zero) if end of stream has been reached.


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