sql - cannot delete parent with children existing Laravel CRUD -
this error thrown when try delete categories entry products under parent category:
illuminate \ database \ queryexception sqlstate[23000]: integrity constraint violation: 1451 cannot delete or update parent row: foreign key constraint fails (`store`.`products`, constraint `products_category_id_foreign` foreign key (`category_id`) references `categories` (`id`)) (sql: delete `categories` `id` = 1)
after did research know cannot delete parent existing children
i not sure how join products category id when delete category id. way can delete products associated category id.
here function deleting:
public function postdestroy() { $category = category::find(input::get('id')); if ($category) { $category->delete(); return redirect::to('admin/categories/index') ->with('message', 'category deleted'); } return redirect::to('admin/categories/index') ->with('message', 'something went wrong, please try again'); }
if want delete products have same category, change category class extends eloquent this:
class category extends eloquent { // ... existing code... public function delete() { // delete of products have same ids... products::where("category_id", $this->id)->delete(); // finally, delete category... return parent::delete(); } }
now calling $category->delete() delete products have same category_id, category itself.
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