osx - How do I draw NSGradient to NSImage? -

i'm trying take nsgradient , save image in rubymotion, can't work. code have far:

gradient = nsgradient.alloc.initwithcolors(colors,    atlocations: locations.to_pointer(:double),    colorspace: nscolorspace.genericrgbcolorspace )  size = size(width, height) image = nsimage.imagewithsize(size, flipped: false, drawinghandler: lambda |rect|   gradient.drawinrect(rect, angle: angle)   true end)  data = image.tiffrepresentation data.writetofile('output.tif', atomically: false) 

it runs without error, file saved blank , there no image data. can point me in right direction?

i don’t know rubymotion, here’s how in objective-c:

nsgradient *grad = [[nsgradient alloc] initwithstartingcolor:[nscolor redcolor]                                                  endingcolor:[nscolor bluecolor]];  nsrect rect = cgrectmake(0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0); nsimage *image = [[nsimage alloc] initwithsize:rect.size]; nsbezierpath *path = [nsbezierpath bezierpathwithrect:rect]; [image lockfocus]; [grad drawinbezierpath:path angle:0.0]; nsbitmapimagerep *imgrep = [[nsbitmapimagerep alloc] initwithfocusedviewrect:rect]; nsdata *data = [imgrep representationusingtype:nspngfiletype properties:nil]; [image unlockfocus]; [data writetofile: @"/path/to/file.png" atomically:no]; 


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