Grails Unit Test Case -

my controller contains following action

def addnumber ={countrynumbercmd  cmd ->    def countryselected = params?.countryselected    if(cmd.validate()) {      println "success page"    }else{      flash.cmd=cmd      render(view:'hello')    } } 

my hello.gsp page contains following code

<html> <head> <title>hello</title> </head> <body> <div class="width460" id="formerrorjavascripttable">                                 <g:haserrors bean="${flash.cmd}">                                         <g:rendererrors bean="${flash.cmd}" as="list" />                                 </g:haserrors> </div> </body> </html> 


countrynumbercmd.countryselected.nullable = country value should not null.   

command object validation class

class countrynumbercmd {    string countryselected    static constraints = {     countryselected(nullable:false)    } } 

now can suggest me how assert country value should not null in failed unit test case?

please find effort far !..

testaddnumber_countryselected_null(){  params.countryselected = null  controller.addnumber()  controller.response.reset()  assertequals controller.modelandview.viewname,"/pcountry/hello"  }  

but want compare assertequlas validation message (as have passed "countryselected = null") with, message(code:"countrynumbercmd.countryselected.nullable") can applied such assertion compare i18 validation message ? in advance far can assertequals flash.cmd.errors['countryselected'].getcode(),"nullable"


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