c# - Button does not work after Validation -

i have 1 textbox , 2 buttons on update panel.

    <asp:button id="button_search" runat="server" text="search"  onclick="button_search_click" validationgroup="personalinfogroup"/>                                 <asp:button id="button_clear" runat="server" text="clear" onclick="button_clear_click" validationgroup="clear" causesvalidation="false"/>          

i validate textbox using compare validator.

<asp:comparevalidator id="validator" runat="server" controltovalidate="textbox_trackingno" operator="datatypecheck" type="integer" errormessage="value must number" validationgroup="personalinfogroup" />    

page load event;

protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {             if (ispostback)                 page.validate();             loaddata(this, new eventargs());                        }    

the validation working fine. when validation error message displayed, not fire clear button click event. instead of click event hits page load.

please me.


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